German Literature

in english translation

Deutschsprachige Litertatur
| Illustration: Tobias Schrank, Goethe-Institut

Books are an essential part of cultural life, even in the digital age. The art of translation makes it possible for them to have an impact beyond the countries of their origin and to contribute to international cultural exchange. We present a selection of titles that have been translated from German into English over the past seven years. These books were all published with support from the Goethe-Institut's Translation Grant Program.


Deutschsprachige Literatur Illustration: Tobias Schrank, Goethe-Institut


Ins Englische übersetzte Literatur aus den Sparten Belletristik, Kinder-/ Jugendbuch und Sachbuch


Autor*innen, Übersetzer*innen, Illustrator*innen u.a. an den Werken beteiligte Personen

Deutschsprachige Literatur Illustration: Tobias Schrank, Goethe-Institut


Verlage, die aus dem Deutschen ins Englische übersetzte Titel veröffentlicht haben

Translation Award

Find out everything about the Goethe-Institut Award for New Translation: prizes, submission deadlines and conditions of participation.

Translation Funding

Translations of German Books into Other Languages supports non-German publishers in publishing German-language literature. The programme supports the translation of current works of contemporary literature, literature for children and young people, comics and graphic novels as well as important academic titles and non-fiction works.

Books Creating Buzz in Central Eastern Europe

Recommendations from Central Eastern Europe on new German-language fiction, children's literature and non-fiction: twice a year “Books Creating Buzz" presents new publications and conveys current trends in literature.
