Plant Stories

Plant Stories
© Sonya Schönberger


Plants give us great joy and decorate our houses in many ways. But what do we know about them? Where were they “born”, where did they originate from? What is the situation in their natural habitats? They are usually the weakest living thing in our households as they cannot raise their voices and demand our attention, our love or our feeding.

During this event, Goethe@LUX artist in residence, Sonya Schönberger would like to collect the stories that you can tell about your plants in ways that give them a past, a present and a future. Bring a potted plant from your home that you would like to talk about. This can be a dear or less-loved plant. But a plant that you have something to say about.

Bring the plant out of the hidden spaces of your home and show its beauty in a different environment where it can be collectively appreciated. The stories that you can share about your particular plant will be collected.

If you would be interested in presenting your plant please email or just drop in on the day.
Plant Stories is devised by

, the current Goethe@LUX artist in residence who is exploring plant ecologies as part of a project inspired by the work of the poet Andrew Marvell who lived in Waterlow Park.



Waterlow Park Centre
Dartmouth Park Hill
N19 5JF London

Language: English
Price: Free, booking essential