Performance Gold & Coal

Gold & Coal Daniel Kötter


Residenz in der Baumwollspinnerei Schauspiel Leipzig

Featuring: Darlane Litaay (Jayapura), Ikbal Lubys (Yogyakarta), Agustina Helena Kobogau (Timika) et al.

Landscapes and bodies is an immersive performance course that deals with the political, social and ecological consequences of the mining industry. Mining fundamentally transforms individuals, groups of people, entire nations. The series is composed of four productions developed in collaboration with artists, theorists and miners from Indonesia, DR Congo, Leipzig and the Ruhr Region, all dealing with the local and global influences of mining on landscapes, living areas and societies.
The first part GOLD addresses the practices of gold and copper mining in Indonesia. COAL deals with the simultaneity of former and contemporary energy spaces in Leipzig’s brown coal district.
Dramaturgy: Sarah Israel | Film, Video: Daniel Kötter | Set Design: Elisa Limberg | Performance: Hermann Heisig, Agustina Helena Kobogau, Darlane Litaay, Ikbal Lubys, Anna Zett | Sound Design: Marcin Lenarczyk | Production Assistant: Melanie Albrecht | Location Manager: Yonri Revolt | Management Indonesia: Ethnictro | Production: ehrliche arbeit – freelance office for culture.
A Kötter/Israel/Limberg production, co-produced by the residency program of the Schauspiel Leipzig, PACT Zollverein Essen and Ethnictro. Funded by the Doppelpass Fund of the German Federal Cultural Foundation and supported by the Goethe-Institut’s International Coproduction Fund.

7 PM / 7.30 PM / 8 PM / 8.30 PM
