Film Screening Schwimmen (2018) and Albträumer (2020)

Schwimmen Film © Kurhaus Production Film & Medien GmbH

2 and 4 PM

GoetheHaus Jakarta

Arthouse Cinema

Schwimmen, 2018, Luzie Loose
2 PM

The film “Swimming” tells the story of Elisa and Anthea, two very different girls, whose friendship gives them support and orientation during a difficult phase in their lives. They become best friends and develop a game in which they capture everything they do with their cell phone cameras. They soon got the idea of turning the camera around and secretly filming their classmates who had mobbed Elisa earlier. A destructive dynamic develops from their close friendship, which becomes threatening for anyone who gets in the way of the two. The girls turn from victims to perpetrators.

Albträumer, 2020, Philipp Klinger
4 PM

17-year-old Rebekka has been feeling empty and hollow since her brother Dennis' suicide two years ago. Her friend Vincent is the only one who can help her through this difficult time, but he's an outsider, accepted by nobody, especially since he jumped off the bridge with Dennis and miraculously survived. Albträumer is a coming-of-age drama with mystery elements, told in intoxicating images and sensitively acted, in which a young woman’s painful search for answers collides with the mental and emotional constraints of her surroundings.
