Film Screening Final films of the Arthouse Cinema 2023 programme

Final films of the Arthouse Cinema 2023 programme © Tag/Träume Filmproduktion

2 and 4 PM

GoetheHaus Jakarta

Tanzträume: Jugendliche tanzen Kontakthof von Pina Bausch (2018) and Magical Mystery (2017)

Tanzträume: Jugendliche tanzen Kontakthof von Pina Bausch, 2018, Anne Linsel
2 PM

“Kontakthof” is one of the most famous dance-theatre pieces by the late German choreographer Pina Bausch, who passed away in 2009. Two groups were chosen to rehearse and perform the work, which premiered in 1978; the first group consisted of senior citizens and, in 2008, for the first time ever, a troupe of teenagers began rehearsing the show. The film Tanzträume documents these rehearsals at the Wuppertal Dance Theatre one year before Pina Bausch’s death. It is an impressive tribute to the choreographer’s love of people and, not least, to the trials of coming of age.

Magical Mystery, 2017, Arne Feldhusen
4 PM

Hamburg in the mid-1990s: following a breakdown and a stay in a psychiatric ward, Charly (Karl) Schmidt lives in assisted accommodation in Hamburg. He’s kicked his alcohol and drug habit when he meets old friends from Berlin, who now earn a lot of money as music producers. Instead of his prescribed holiday in the Lüneburg Heath, Charly takes a job with them: he’ll drive their tour bus through Germany and take responsibility for running their rave tour.
