online seminar PASCH Online Seminar Series: studying German as a Foreign Language (DaF)

Erste PASCH-Webinarreihe_04 Juli 2020 ©Pixabay

3 - 4.30 PM


PASCH alumni talk about their successful life and educational experiences after graduation.

The second online seminar (Saturday, 4 July 2020 at 3 p.m. WIB) is about studying German as a Foreign Language (DaF) in Indonesia. Speakers are:
Aldi Rinaldi (alumnus SMA PGII 1 Bandung) - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Fergie Virginia (alumna SMA N 31 Jakarta) - Universitas Indonesia 
The PASCH online seminars are intended for German learners and teachers in Indonesia. Participation in the online seminars is free of charge. 
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