
Chilifest © Goethe-Institut Bandung Chilifest © Goethe-Instituts Bandung

Our end-of-the-year party as two-day festival for everyone

The Goethe-Institut Bandung invites you to attend Chilifest—a year-end celebration focusing on sustainability and presenting a variety of exciting offline and online activities. Come to our book reading session with Pustakalana, test our natural dyes with Nidiya Kusmaya. And don’t miss the inauguration of the themenecke, a gardening workshop with permaculture methods hosted by Kebun Belakang. You are also invited to a concert featuring Bottlesmoker and an exhibition of the Sedekah Benih project.

The team at the Goethe-Institut Bandung is happy to meet you virtually and in person!  
