Exam training
Goethe-Zertifikat C1

On this page you will find free practice material for the C1 exam modules: listening, reading, writing and speaking. The practice tests are structured like real exams. Simulate the exam and find out how well prepared you are.

Practice on paper or digitally? You decide: In addition to the printable versions, you will also find online exam training here (certified as accessible).

Would you like to simulate the exam? Open the PDF "Exam Training" and print out the candidate sheets with the tasks. Set your clock according to the time limit. Take the exam. Use the audio file for the listening module. If possible, simulate the speaking module with a conversation partner. Compare your results with the solutions you find in the PDF. The video shows you an example of the speaking module.

Accessible exam training (computer-based)

Here you can directly access and click through the exam training online. The system shows you whether the answers are wrong or correct.

As an exam candidate with specific needs, you can prepare yourself with this training. We will be happy to confirm with you individually the format in which you may take the exam.

German exams

Do you need an internationally recognized certificate? We offer German exams at all levels from A1 to C2.

German courses

Learn German online at the Goethe-Institut in the USA.

Computer-based exams

Would you like to take the exam on a laptop? We offer selected exams on laptops at our institutes. You can find further information and tutorials here.