Panel discussion and exhibition Sustainable Together Talk and Residency exhibition


Sun, 26.05.2024

10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Victoria Yards

The event will invite visitors to engage in a panel discussion around “Enabling Circular Neighbourhoods” with Hannelie Cotzee and Hector Dibakoane and interact with the for participants of the Sustainable Together Residency, who will be presenting the results of their 1-month inquiry into matters of circular neighbourhoods and healthy cities.

Enabling Circular Neighbourhoods (Talk at 2pm)
Join Hannelie Coetzee (visual artist) and Hector Dibakoane (Makers Valley CEO) in discussion on promoting sustainable practice at the neighbourhood level. The panel will also reflect on the residency programme that supported four practitioners who delivered projects focusing on sustainability and community engagement.
Moderator: Sentle Nell

Hannelie Coetzee - a Johannesburg based visual artist and honorary research fellow at the global change institute. Her relational practice regularly centers on public spaces, where she produces interventions that range from ephemeral to permanent. Originating out of her respect and concern for the environment, Coetzee employs public experiments on nature-based solutions, most often built out of reclaimed industrial waste, to form unlikely partnerships including with the surrounding land.

Hector Dibakoane: A dreamer, storyteller and cultural curator led by passion, purpose and love with an overall ambition to change the narrative for African youth and how the world views the city of Johannesburg. Driven to create platforms and safe spaces for young people to engage in their passions, pioneering a culture of thriving artists.

The talk will be followed by the presentation of the works in progress by the residents.
The four participants of the Sustainable Together Residency will be presenting the results of their 1-month inquiry into matters of circular neighbourhoods and healthy cities.
_Plenty Green
_Naledi Chai
_LOCK (Love your City Clean)
