Goethe/SPACE Residency

Goethe/SPACE Residency © © Clara Jo Goethe/SPACE Residency © Clara Jo

Since its beginning in 2013, the collaboration between the Goethe-Institut London and SPACE supports artists and projects that explore the critical application of emerging technologies and digitalisation.

Goethe/SPACE resident artists take a critical, analytical stance towards the tensions between art and technology and questions these categories in and of themselves. SPACE is a leading visual arts organisation in London providing creative workspace, advocacy, support and promoting innovation. The residency offers a three month place in a large mixed studio at SPACE’s The White Building in Hackney Wick, London, which is an incubator for discursive and innovative thought, and serves as a testing ground and creative lab for artists and creative technologists whose practice critically engages with technology.
During the residency, the artists are given help of expert partners from the science, technology and creative sector. The resident artists present their projects to the public in form of prototypes, documentation, beta-releases, events and exhibitions. The focus of the residency is on process over product and it aims to provide space and time for fearless experimentation.
The first Goethe/SPACE resident artist was Constant Dullart in 2013/14. He used Wi-Fi routers as a performative medium to show the controlled web on mobile devices. In the following year of 2015, sound artist Claire Tolan explored online communication related to ASMR. In 2016/17, multidisciplinary artist Clara Jo dealed with methods by which virtual interfaces are adapting our own orientation. Resident artist 2018 was Paul Wiersbinski, who explored the role of surveillance technologies within globalised networks.
Mario Schruff
Project Co-ordinator for Visual Art and Music
Goethe-Institut London
SPACE Homepage

