Naomi's Journey

Naomis Reise
Still: Naomi's Journey, Director Frieder Schlaich

Goethe-Institut London

After the murder of her older sister by her German husband, twenty-year old Naomi reluctantly accompanies her mother from Peru to Berlin to follow the trial. As she learns more about the crime and her sister’s life far from home, she starts taking more control of her own.
Germany / Peru 2017, 92 mins
Director: Frieder Schlaich

Followed by a conversation between the film’s director Frieder Schlaich and Lucila Granada, Director, Latin American Women’s Rights Service.

Book tickets through Eventbrite


Goethe-Institut London

50 Princes Gate
Exhibition Road
United Kingdom

Price: £3/ Admission free for language students and library members. Booking essential.

+44 20 75964000 info-london@goethe.de