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Solidarity instead of Populism


Solidarity instead of populism? With “SoliDialogues” the Goethe-Institutes of Europe, in partnership with NewKinco, invite you to join a Europe-wide dialogue on solidarity and new forms of togetherness – in times of increasing isolation and contact restrictions. On March 19 and 20 up to six participants, who don’t know each other and have different perspectives, come together to listen and to be listened to. Those interested in participating in the exchange can sign up now via the website www.solidialogues.one

19 and 20 March 2021

Current global developments such as climate change, growing populist tendencies and the effects of the Covid-19-pandemic pose big challenges to European cohesion. As a consequence, we observe a growing division and polarisation of societies, which is reflected in social media. In these times, calls for “increased solidarity” and community grow louder. But how could inclusive solidarity serve as an antidote to populism?

The question of solidarity is at the centre of the digital “SoliDialogues”, to which you are invited by the Goethe-Institutes of Europe on March 19 and 20. People from all over Europe and beyond will meet in small dialogue groups online on these two days, to explore solidarity from different perspectives and speak about new forms of solidarity and togetherness. It is meant to give space to opposing political stances and to hear out a variety of voices – of different gender, age, race, sexual orientation and neurodiversity, political worldview, nationality or religion.
The Key is Listening to each other
Each dialogue group will consist of a maximum of six participants, who do not know one another beforehand. Based on the so-called “dialogue.one”-method the conversations should primarily be based on listening to each other, not entering an exchange of blows. One participant will therefore take the role as the group moderator. The rules of conversation ensure that no one gets interrupted, but that everyone is guaranteed a mutual freedom of speech. That way the dialogues can be a safe space for thinking together, posing open questions and listening actively to each other.
The exchange will take place in English. An application for participation is now possible on the project website.
“SoliDialogues” is an initiative by the Goethe-Institutes of Europe in partnership with NewKinco.
href="https://solidialogues.one/apply/" class="do-resolve" title="https://solidialogues.one/apply/" target="_self">SIGN UP FOR SOLIDIALOGUES



United Kingdom

Language: English
