Film screening Krabat (2008) and Freies Land (2019)

Krabat (2008) and Freies Land (2019) © Christian Alvart - Syrreal Entertainment GmbH

2 and 4 PM

GoetheHaus Jakarta

Krabat, 2008, Marco Kreuzpaintner
2 PM

Based on the eponymous novel by Otfried Preußler, the film tells the story of poor, young orphan Krabat, who roams the German woods at the end of the 30-year war. Lonely and lost, he follows a frightening call, which leads him to an old mill. It is inhabited by a mysterious master and his eleven apprentices. Krabat, as it soon turns out, is destined to become the twelfth disciple of the master. During his stay, Krabat becomes best friends with Tondra, who lets him in on the dark secret surrounding the mill and the master himself. Over time, Krabat is trained in black magic – and realizes its inherit danger. When he falls in love with a girl, he has to hide his relationship from the master, leading to a confrontation which puts Krabat to the ultimate test.

Freies Land, 2019, Christian Alvart
4 PM

Summer 1992 in East Germany. When two sisters disappeared without a trace, investigators Markus Bach and Patrick Stein are sent to the village to investigate. The questioning of the not overly informative population initially suggests that the two have simply absconded to the West to escape the East German wasteland and lack of perspective. However, the investigators are puzzled by the fact that no one seems to be worried about the sisters and that the case is otherwise hushed up. And it soon becomes clear to Bach and Stein that they cannot count on the support of the village community, which soon turns out to be knee-deep in lies and intrigues. But then two bodies are found, and it turns out that girls from the village have disappeared before.

Arthouse Cinema
