Malang | Concert Masterclass-Concert

Konser Masterclass bersama Nicolas Fink © Goethe-Institut Indonesien


3 - 5 PM & 7 - 9 PM

Sasana Budaya Universitas Negeri Malang

Under the direction of Nicolas fink

The concert is the grand finale of a challenging one-week master class. During the master class with Nicolas Fink fourteen Indonesian choral conductors work intensively with Swara Satata Çakti Student Choir University of Malang and Brawijaya University Student Choir in Malang, as well as an ensemble of 24 singers from the universities’ alumni.

The masterclass focuses on the rehearsal process that requires of the conductors both: musical knowledge and people management skills. Musical centre point is a selected German choral repertoire containing works of Schütz, J.S Bach, Reger, Mahler, und Elgar. In the closing concert of the masterclass the participants demonstrate their ability performing a challenging repertoire.

First Concert: 3 - 5 PM
Second Concert: 7 - 9 PM


Nicolas Fink was born in Switzerland and lives in Leipzig. He has conducted many distinguished ensembles including Rundfunkchor Berlin, the radio choirs of WDR, MDR, Chœur de Radio France. He is a sought-after partner for musical preparation with renowned conductors such as Sir Simon Rattle, Marek Janowski and Thomas Hengelbrock. He has been the the artistic director of the Schleswig-Holstein festival choir since 2014. Recently, Fink led the Vocalconsort Berlin in the Sasha Waltz production FIGURE HUMAIN during the pre-opening of the Elbe Philharmonic Hall in Hamburg.
In the current season, Fink will return to conduct the Coro Casa da Música in Porto and will give his debut with the Chamber Choir Ireland in Dublin. Nicolas is thrilled to return to Indonesia after giving a conducting workshop in Salatiga in 2016 and preparing an outreach project with the Berlin Radio Choir during the DEUTSCHE SAISON in 2015.
