Claim Goethe Institut Claim Goethe Institut

Max Mueller Bhavan | India Kolkata

13 & 15 November, 5 pm - 7 pm

Pickle Factory Preludes 2 – making meaning of dance


  • Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Kolkata, Kolkata

Pickle Factory2 © Pickle Factory Dance Foundation / Photo: Indudipa Sinha

Whether you are a dance practitioner, audience, scholar, critic or student, how to read and respond to dance and movement-based performance is a constant concern. How do you make meaning of a work of art, informed by a sense of history, personal or collective experience, or some other lens? This programme addresses precisely these questions through playful and provocative, inventive, intuitive and interrogative participatory processes – much like how artists create their work. Led by a range of facilitators and with inputs from guest speakers, the series will invite and inspire participants to perceive closely, think critically, and create meaning that reaches beyond personal opinions and enters the realm of ideas that art – by its nature – imagines and inhabits.

Module 2 - Embodying Assemblies: the body as democracy

Facilitated by Abhijan Gupta with JK Anicoche, and the Sipat Lawin Ensemble, Thanapol Virulhakul, the Democracy collective and Anjum Katyal.

In this edition of Pickle Factory Preludes, independent curator and writer Abhijan Gupta discusses practices of experimenting with forms of assembly-making with Thanapol Virulhakul, artistic director of the Democrazy Collective in Bangkok, and JK Anicoche, artistic director of the Sipat Lawin Ensemble in the Philippines. The common concern is the need to think beyond the space of the performance as an event, and into producing reproducible formats for political action.

JK Anicoche, and the Sipat Lawin Ensemble, will discuss their ongoing pieces, The Gobyerno Project, an interactive and participatory performance-workshop inviting audiences to create, perform, and film their ideal government and communities. The six-year global project explores performance as rehearsals for revolutions and collective action. 

Thanapol Virulhakul, and the Democracy collective, is concerned with the use of the body in mass politics, and hierarchies of vision, which structure performances of the political body. The Retreat Project is an ongoing work, which attempts to create a series of studies in producing bodily assemblages that encompass the human and the nonhuman, creating horizontal alignments between bodies, objects, architectures to imagine new modes of movement in assemblage.

As an Indian parallel, the sessions will revisit Badal Sircar’s Michhil, through a dialogue with researcher and writer Anjum Katyal, to think about what forms practice must take in times of brutal political repression whether in India, Philippines, Thailand or elsewhere.

Through these presentations, readings and discussions, we hope to create a space to collectively speculate towards forms of body-based practice, which might be used to imagine future forms of democracy.
This programme is in collaboration with the Pickle Factory Dance Foundation.

By registration only
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