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Podcasts around the world

The Goethe-Institut gets stuck in your ears and opens your eyes. Goethe-Instituts around the world produce podcasts on different topics and in different languages.  
Have fun listening! 


An illustration of a colorful soundblaster whose right loudspeaker evokes the association of a turntable. Under the tapedeck it says in large letters: Popcast. © Goethe-Institut

#Culture #Music #Germany

Rock, pop, hip-hop, electro: Every month begins with a foray across Germany's studios and clubs. Together with Zündfunk, the scene magazine of Bayerischer Rundfunk, the Goethe-Institut presents what's new off the charts.

Language: German

The picture shows a section of hilly sandy ground marked with footprints. © Goethe-Institut in Exile

#culture #InternationalPerspectives

Soundspuren highlights everyday life, culture, and music from regions where international cultural centers, such as the Goethe-Institut, had to close due to precarious security situations or censorship. Cultural practitioners from countries like Sudan, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, or Belarus share stories about their homeland and their new lives in Germany. Hosted by DJ and curator Taīz Nawab.

Language: German

The cover is a collage of shapes, objects and elements from nature and art. The composition seems abstract and surreal; the word Timezones can be seen in large yellow glowing letters at the top centre of the picture. Timezones - Cover Episode 2: Šabac, Belgrade and Zurich | Illustration: © Šejma Fere

#culture #music

"Timezones" explores the multiple realities of artists and their practices around the world and questions what it means to live and work in the cultural and arts sector in different countries, cities, and contexts today.

Language: English

The outlines of the world time clock on Alexanderplatz in Berlin's Mitte district are depicted on a monochrome turquoise background. In the upper left corner you can see the Berlinale sign with the upright bear and next to it the lettering European Film Market efm. At the bottom of the picture, Industry Insights The EFM Podcast is printed in bold, all in white. © Goethe-Institut

#Culture #Film
Industry Insights

"Industry insights" is all about the entertainment industry. It is about current challenges and strategies of the film industry, such as the digitalization of business, diversity and inclusion as well as social, environmental and economic sustainability and the power of community building.

Language: English

The cover is pink, with a drawn spotlight in black on it. In the upper right corner is the logo of the Goethe-Institut, in the upper left corner the logo of Berlinale and the words Talents. At the bottom left is written Berlinale's House of Talents. All words and logos are white. © Goethe-Institut, Berlinale Talents

#Culture #Film
Berlinale's House of Talents

"Berlinale's House of Talents" immerses you in the world of the Berlinale. Learn more about the making of the magic we call cinema in inspiring conversations with internationally acclaimed filmmakers and artists from the Berlinale Talents archive.

Language English

The cover shows the profiles of two women, with brown and black hair, dark and light eyes. The heads are touching and looking directly into the camera, with the cut-out ending below the eyes and just above the hairline, only a quarter of each woman's face is visible. The logo of Deutschlandfunk Kultur can be seen at the top of the picture, and the logo of the Goethe-Institut in white in the lower left half of the picture. Illustration(detail): © Deutschlandradio

#Culture #Multilingualism #Diversity #Germany #Interculturality
Voice Versa – Zwei Sprachen, eine Story

The authors tell stories of multilingualism, diversity and identity and place languages such as Farsi or Arabic on an equal footing with German. A different way of listening, full of new nuances and perspectives.

Language: German, Farsi, Arabic, Vietnamese etc..

Zeitgeister on Air © Goethe-Institut

#culture #InternationalPerspectives
Zeitgeister on Air

ZEITGEISTER ON AIR is a cultural podcast by the Goethe-Institut that accompanies the quarterly themes of ZEITGEISTER, its cultural magazine. It is aimed at people with an interest art, international perspectives, original topics, zines, and Germany, featuring discussions with international artists and authors about their work and experiences.

Language: English

Podcast-Cover des 'kurz & bündig'-Podcast © Goethe-Institut

Podcast "kurz & bündig"
About politics, business and society

This podcast focuses on topics from politics, business and society in Germany and around the world. For example, how European is Germany? What is the the state of trading relations with China? The listening texts are in German and suitable for levels B2/C1.

Language: German

The picture is black and white. A man is sitting at a desk, in the background is a window front. A drawn rocket in black flies through the picture, directly above the man's head on the left. In the upper left corner is the word podcast in white with a grey background, in the lower left corner is written in white with a purple background Ankommen in der Berufswelt. Below that are numerous symbols in purple: a briefcase, a stethoscope, a book, a tool spanner and a pot. At the bottom right is the Goethe symbol in white. © Goethe-Institut

#Language #Career #Germany
Ankommen in der Berufswelt

“Ankommen in der Berufswelt" provides information about starting a career in Germany. Mehmet, Mariia, Tristan, Yichun and Nhung provide insights into their experiences.

Language: German

The cover shows a light bulb on a green background with arrows forming a circle around it, symbolizing a cycle of knowledge. © Goethe-Institut

#Language #Advancedtraining #Trainthetrainer #Teacher
Impulses for teachers

A podcast to enhance continuing education skills. Each episode focuses on an action or explanatory model that provides background information for trainers when planning, implementing or evaluating training.

Language: German

A laughing woman with long brown hair and a white long-sleeved shirt is standing in the middle of the picture, a blurred grey-blue background can be seen behind her. In the lower right corner of the picture is the Goethe logo in white, on the left are three circles in yellow, red and black. The largest of them is the red one, on which is written in white, Germany what goes? In the top right corner is the logo of the Alumni Portal.  © Goethe-Institut

#Culture #Germany
Germany, what goes?

A journey through six German cities, visiting exciting places and great projects. In 18 episodes, host Dana Newman explores typical city features in conversations with local reporters.

Language: German, English

A square in bright rainbow colors, the title "the earth speaks" is written in lowercase, just like the project "beuys 2021, which you can see a little further down © beuys2021

#Culture #Art
Die Erde spricht

German and international scholars, authors, activists, DJs and artists from 14 countries will talk about the legacy of Joseph Beuys and what it means for their work.

Language: German, English

Podcast Cover Kahvehane der renk. Podcast © renk. Magazin

#Culture #Germany #Diversity
Kahvehane der renk. Podcast

Goethe-Institut Bonn and renk. Magazin have migrant views on diversity, anti-racism, art and culture discussed in the fifth season of the Kahvehane Podcast.

Language: German

Northwestern Europe

A dark green background, on it a light green guitar and a light green wave. In white letters it is written: Hiberno Goethe - German Irish Conversations. © Goethe-Institut

#Culture #Germany #Art #Society
Hiberno Goethe

"Hiberno Goethe" dives into the many facets of art, language and life between Ireland and Germany. What do musicians, dancers, artists and writers from both cultures take away from this intercutural exchange? For all listeners who like to cross borders.

Language: English

Tipp Talk host Rumbie in Leipzig © Goethe-Institut

#LearnGerman #Germany #Literature
Tipp Talk – Deutschland ans Ohr gelegt

Poetry readings, humour coaching, sustainability, and interactive audio plays - Rumbie's guests invite you into their worlds. In less than ten minutes, you'll hear their views about Germany and the German language.

Language: German

Talking Culture is written on the cover in white letters. The background is orange and there is an intricate pattern of dark blue and light blue. © Goethe-Institut London

#Culture #Europe #Art
Talking Culture

"Talking Culture" is a platform for thought-provoking discussions about the future of Europe, the UK and the world. Through fascinating interviews with thinkers from the arts and culture sector, this program explores how creative areas will change in the future.

Language: English

The cover is orange with a microphone in the centre of the picture. The Goethe logo is shown in white in the upper right-hand corner of the picture, and the words Tysklandspodden are written in white capital letters at the bottom of the picture. Foto: Goethe-Institut/ Kristina Brusa

#Culture #Germany #Politics #Society #Art

"Tysklandspodden" is Swedish for "the Germany podcast". It features writers, politicians, film directors and musicians who are in one way or another connected to Germany.

Language: Schwedish, German

The cover is light blue. In the upper right half of the picture is the Goethe logo in black. In the middle is a drawing of a black microphone and below it, also in black capital letters, the word neighbour. © Goethe-Institut Denmark

#Culture #Germany

What's happening in the neighboring country? In "Nachbar" journalist and Germany expert Tom Kampman provides insights into German culture and society - from a Danish perspective and in Danish.

Language: Danish

The cover is white. In the upper right corner it says in dark blue: Sag's mir - Deutsch und Kultur. Only the word mir is written in white and highlighted in green. Three semicircles in light blue, light green and orange overlap, in the lower right corner is the Goethe logo in light green. Goethe-Institut London

#Language #Germany
Sag's mir

"Sag's mir" accompanies teens on a virtual internship week as they develop their professional skills, meet enthusiastic Germanists, and make friendships and professional connections.

Language: German

The cover is white. It says A Good European in black capital letters. Below that, the names of the narrators are listed. At the bottom of the picture is the note that the podcast is a project between the Goethe Institut and Freiraum. In the upper right half of the picture, a purple handbag dangles from a surveillance camera. © Goethe-Institut

#Culture #Literature #Europe
A Good European

In "A Good European," eight European authors explore the question of what freedom means in today's Europe.

Language: German, English

Southeast Europe

Key visual for the Kant Talk 2.0 podcast by the Goethe-Institut Cyprus. A modern, stylised portrait of the philosopher Immanuel Kant in a bright colour combination against a beige background. The title of the podcast is in the bottom left corner in beige capital letters against a purple background. In the top and bottom right corners the logo of the Goethe-Institut. © Goethe-Institut Cyprus

#Kant #philosophy #enlightenment
Kant Talk 2.0

Dive into engaging discussions with host Dr. Christos Hadjioannou and international experts as they explore Kant’s ideas on understanding, ethics, reality, freedom, and aesthetics. Each episode brings his theories to life, connecting them to today’s topics like AI, animal rights, the metaverse, and social media. Tune in and discover why Kant’s insights still matter today!

Sprache: English

Illustration for the podcast "Auf gleicher Welle" © Goethe-Institut Bulgaria

#Art #Music #Education #Commons
Auf gleicher Welle

The presenters Daniel Nenchev, Alexander Vladimirov, Ana Blagova and Ivan Dimitrov are on the lookout for current and important topics in their field and meet with artists, musicians, writers, translators and educators from Bulgaria and Germany.

Sprache: Bulgarian

Southwestern Europe

The cover shows the pink lettering "Mobile", which is finished off with a schematically drawn jump, a white curved line. The background is colored in dark purple. The title of the podcast "Behind the scenes" is also written in French: "dans les coulisses". The lettering below: "The podcast for the MOBILE project" is also translated into French: "Le Podcast du projet mobile", with the Goethe-Institut logo in green at the bottom center. © Goethe-Institut

#dance #theatre #inclusion
Hinter den Kulissen

portrays dance and theater companies operating outside the mainstream. Artists and MOBILE project members share insights into everyday life where people with and without disabilities collaborate professionally, highlighting the opportunities of embracing diverse bodies and forms of expression on stage.

Language: French, German

The cover is a collage. It shows the two podcast hosts wearing sunglasses. One of them is holding a glass with a drink in her hand. In the background, you can see a clip of an excerpt from a audio program. © Goethe-Institut

#culture #literature #Spain
En tu Feria me colé

The literature podcast of the Goethe-Institut in Spain. The authors Silvia Herreros and Silvia Nanclares take us on unknown paths and through resistant landscapes to the Frankfurt Book Fair 2022, to which Spain is invited as guest of honor.

Language: Spanish      

Podcast-Cover Stazione centrale, andata e ritorno. In treno alla scoperta delle città tedesche © Goethe-Institut

#Culture #Germany #TrainTrip
Stazione centrale, andata e ritorno

Übersetzter Text Zielsprache auswählen Englisch (US) For our cultural reports from various German cities, we explore their most representative places and meet insiders who introduce us to local life. All trips start at Berlin Central Station.

Language: Italian

The podcast cover shows an illustration of an open and erect organe-colored book with a blue book binding, with a small open door on the front. Above the illustration is the podcast title Goethecast. In the lower left corner of the square cover it says: Giovani Sull'onda della Letteratura. © Goethe-Institut Turin | Graphics: Studio Grand Hotel

#culture #literature #germany

Under the banner of "Young People on the Wave of Literature", in this podcast series students of Italian high schools surf between timeless classics and the latest novelties of German literature. Unconventional, young, exciting, attractive!

Language: Italian

Podcast title on blue ground © Goethe-Institut

#Culture #Postcolonialism #Interculturality
riguardo (al)le parole goethe

The podcast series is part of the Transcultural Attentiveness project and aims to contribute to an intergenerational educational community on colonial heritage. The Italian title plays on the idea of appreciating and caring for words, but also points to the need to revisit words and give them a look.

Language: Italian, English

The podcast cover features the title "Mittwochs bei Goethe" in elegant lettering. An idyllic landscape is depicted, with a round image of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe sitting in a picturesque setting in the lower part of the cover. © Goethe-Zentrum Verona

#Culture #History #Litrature #Film
Mittwochs bei Goethe

Wednesdays at Goethe takes a look at Germany's art and culture. Historical events are highlighted; classical literature and its significance for the present are discussed, films are reviewed and art historical epochs are talked about.

Language: German

Central Eastern Europe

The cover has a colour that ranges between orange and pink. In the middle is a pair of headphones in the same colour. Literatuur is written in purple in the centre, and the Goethe logo can be seen in white in the lower right corner. © GI Estland

#Culture #Literature

Literature for the ears - to listen to and be inspired: The Goethe-Institut Estonia presents reading series on German-language literature - novels, short stories, essays or even non-fiction

Language: Estonian

A blue square with a drawing in the Goethe CD colors of orange, purple, green and white. A picture screen shows a person sticking out of the screen. You can see a computer mouse, headphones and a sign for "speak". © Goethe-Institut Budapest

#Culture #Education #Digitalization

Scholar Dr. Edit Morvai talks in "Kaleidoskop" to educators and experts about digital education and how it can shape the school of the future.

Language: Hungarian

On the cover there is a symbolic handshake of two businessmen who have entered into a deal with each other, symbolized by the symbol of a euro sign that lights up on one of their hands. In the background you can see the smoking chimneys of a factory. © Goethe-Institut

#Culture #Society #Future

The podcast project for future journalists and young people from Romania and Germany gathers episodes that were created in cooperation between Romania and Germany on the topics of future, environment, society and change.

Sprache: German

A green square, divided into three areas: At the top it says podcast, in the middle the word Wanderwörter is written per letter in colorful balls, at the bottom the logo of the Goethe-Institut. © Goethe-Institut

#Language #Interculturality

Learn more about words that cross borders and can change their meaning. With "Wanderwörter" you can learn German and experience intercultural surprises.

Language: German

The cover is dark blue. Nimiecka Do Kwadrat is written on it in poison-green capital letters. Behind it in light blue is the word Literatura, also in capital letters. The white Goethe logo is depicted directly below in the centre. © Goethe-Institut Krakau

#Culture #Literature
Deutsch Hoch Vier

"Deutsch Hoch Vier" disucsses new literary translations and German classics in Polish translation and discovers the hidden gems of the literary world.

Language: Polish

On a school blackboard is written Deutschbaukasten, where the word is broken down into its three individual words and shown in a different color. In front of it are three wooden blocks with one letter © Goethe-Institut


With the "Deutsch Baukasten" you can learn German on the go in an entertaining way. It provides a package of learning materials. From A to Z each letter of the German alphabet is considered.

Language: German

Eastern Europe | Central Asia

The cover is in dark purple-pink tones. In the upper left corner you can see a pink headphone, in the lower right corner there is a blue, bubbling test tube. In bright lettering, bar hopping is written once in blue, right below science is written in pink. The rest of the text is written in Cyrillic. © Goethe-Institut

#Culture #Substainability

In "Übermorgen – Ökologie und Kultur" presenter and environmental journalist Angelina Davydova addresses ecological issues at the heart of upcoming changes.

Language: Russian

Northern Afrcia | Middle East

The European flag as background with Europe as a white map above. To the left of the map of Europe is "Voices of Europe", and "season two". © Voices of Europe

#Culture #Politics #Europe
Voices of Europe

"Voices of Europe - Stimmen Europas" offers insights into debates on various aspects of the European Union, its policies in Europe and beyond, and EU-Israel relations in a changing global world.

Language: English, Hebrew

Handicraft tools lie side by side The image is slightly colored purple. It says in white letters, Goethe Makercast, Coffee, Tech and DIYs with San3a Tech. On the bottom left is the Goethe logo, on the bottom right the San3atech logo, both in white. © Goethe-Institut Kairo

#Culture #Digitalization #Career
Goethe MakerCast

"Goethe MakerCast" and host Omar Elsafty invite you on a journey into the maker and startup world of Egypt. Get to know important and interesting players in the scene, learn more about current developments and opportunities in the region and be inspired to become active as a maker yourself.

Language: Arabic, English

South Asia

Goethe Dialogues: Interesting conversations with public figures © Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan New Delhi

#Culture #Media #Politics

In "Goethe Dialogues," we talk to personalities from public life who have exciting stories to tell. Be it from the field of education, the culture industry, politics or the media.

Language: English

Goethe-Geschichten: a podcast for German learners © Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan New Delhi

#Language #Germany #Stories

Learning German with small but nice stories. That is the mission of our podcast for all German learners. No matter if young or old.

Language: German

Southeastern Asia | Australia | New Zealand

A light green square, a blue lightning bolt and above it in red color is written "Supfrauen". © Goethe-Institut

#Culture #Feminism #Society

"Superfrauen" tells stories from the lives of inspiring women. Their paths through the world are exciting, athletic, clever or courageous - despite all their diversity, the women portrayed have one thing in common: they are role models.

Language: German

The cover is light blue, with a grey game console at the top left of the picture and a rocket shooting arrows at the bottom, both images slightly pixelated like in an old video game. In the front, Press Start is written in yellow capital letters.   © Goethe-Institut Indonesien

#Culture #Digitalization #Games #Career
Press Start

How can you develop an interesting game? How do you become a game developer and what steps do you need to have in mind to market a game? "Press Start" looks over the shoulders of various players in the games industry. 

Language: Indonesian

Eastern Asia

Cover photo of the podcast "Von uns für dich: Buchcast mit Deutsch Pipapo" with a mobile phone and headphones © Deutsch Pipapo

#Culture #Germany #Taiwan #Society #Literature #Language
Bookcast with Deutsch Pipapo

Celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Goethe-Institut Taipei! Dive into our engaging podcast series, where Bianca from Deutsch Pipapo and teachers from the Goethe-Institut Taipei feature a book from the library / Goethe-Onleihe in each episode!  

Language: Chinese

A drawing in the four Goethe CD colors green, orange, white and blue. The drawing shows the Goethe Institute in Beijing, which is housed in a former factory, you can see the roofs and windows typical of factory buildings in the last century, similar to the spinning mills and weaving mills in Germany, above is written “Teaahaus 798” in German and Chinese letters. © Goethe-Institut China

#Culture #Germany #China #Society
Teehaus 798

"Teehaus 798" is a multilingual podcast about China, Germany, culture and current affairs. The presenters drink tea while chatting with their guests.

Language: English

Subsaharan Africa

Artwork by Lise Isaro Katangulia © Lise Isaro Katangulia

#Culture #Feminism #Africa
House Of African Feminisms

House of African Feminisms explores feminist practices and knowledge that have led to changes in African societies. What were/are the tools and mechanisms used? What informs those practices? What knowledge and changes the practices bring about?

Language: English, French, Portuguese, Amharic

Cinidb.Africa - English © Lise Isaro Katangulia

#Culture #Film #Africa

The Cinidb podcast series is hosted by 3 experts in the field of African cinemas, features directors, producers, curators, critics and scholars from across the African continent and the diaspora. It is brought to you in 3 languages: English, French and Portuguese.

Language: English, French, Portuguese

Logo Xam Sa Démb, Xam Sa Tey © Goethe-Institut Senegal

#Culture #History #Society
Xam Sa Démb, Xam Sa Tey

In this podcast, you will dive deep into the history of Senegal and get to know the protagonists of the past.

Language: French, Wolof

The cover plays with the colors blue and orange. Both of these colors are part of the corporate Design of the Goethe-Institut and are also representative of science. The title and theme are depicted on the cover. The word "Podcast" replaces the letter "T" with a microphone with sound waves to clearly indicate that it is an audio content. In addition, a woman is depicted in the style of artificial intelligence to represent the actors, those affected, and the main target audience of the podcast. © Goethe-Institut

#STEM #Science
Frauen and STEM

"Frauen and STEM" provides female students and young women with orientation opportunities in the world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). In six episodes, and tech-savvy women share personal impressions of their working lives.

Language: French

Inspiring Open © Inspiring Open

#Culture #Feminism #Africa
Inspiring Open

Inspiring Open celebrates successful women who are redefining Africa and whose work and personal approach intersect with the Open movement. Inspiring Open amplifies their voices, revealing their personal journey through conversation with host, Betty Kankam-Boadu.

Language: English

Podcast Cover Intelligence Artificielle © Goethe-Institut

#Culture #Tech #Africa
Intelligence Artificielle

"Artificial Intelligence in Africa" explores how AI and algorithms have changed the way people live, work and interact in Africa, what contribution they can make in the future, and how Africa can better take advantage of global technology developments.

Language: French

Illustration for the Podcast "Nachhaltigeit" © Goethe-Institut Abidjan

#Culture #Substainability #Society

17 goals that change the world: This is the subject of our podcast on sustainability, hosted by the author Edwige Dro and in exchange with Ivorian civil society actors.

Language: French

A blue square as a background in front of which you can see an abstract microphone drawn in black photo (detail) © Getty Images, design & logo @ Jeremiah Ikongio

#Culture #Art #Technology #Innovation
The Art and Tech Podcast

The "Art and Tech" podcast explores how the interplay of art and technology is shaping Nigeria's creative landscape. New inventions, such as the spray can or the synthesizer, provide the raw material for new forms of art.

Language: English

 green square that says "Goethe Stories" in white and in light green above and below it is the translation of Goethe Stories into nine different languages from Africa. © Goethe-Institut Johannesburg

#Culture #Art #Music #Inside Goethe-Institut #
Goethe Stories

"Goethe Stories" presents the work of the Goethe-Institut South Africa in interviews, music and columns. Each episode takes up a topic from the cultural work of the Institute.

Language: English

The orange square is the background for a design that looks like a keyhole, at the same time like a microphone and at the same time like an abstract baobab tree. © Goethe-Institut

#Culture #Exchange #Art #Literature #Society
Sous le Baobab

"Sous le Baobab'' is an intellectual, literary and artistic podcast born from a lack of opportunities for exchange of ideas and critical discussion in Ouagadougou.

Language: French

North America

A black square, a headphone drawn like a bridge under which is written, in the form of a head, "The Big Ponder". Illustration: © Nicole Hamam

#Culture #Germany #USA #History #Politics
The Big Ponder

The transatlantic podcast "The Big Ponder" focuses on cultural history and politics in the United States and Germany. Each week a topic from a German-American perspective is transformed into a compelling radio essay.

Language: English

The cover features the enlarged left half of a black and white passport photo of Hannah Arendt, marked by a stamp in the area of Arendt's mouth. In the upper left, the first part of the title - Hannah Arendt - can be seen in white letters, while the second lettering follows in the lower right: Between Worlds. © Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Hannah Arendt Papers

#Culture #Philosophy #Literature #History
Hannah Arendt: Between Worlds

This podcast series highlights the life and work of Hannah Arendt. In eight episodes Thinking is Dangerous, hosted by Arendt biographer Samantha Rose Hill, brings the famous German philosopher out of the academy and into the everyday world. Why is her thinking important and why now?

Language: English

The cover of the podcast shows a section of the blue planet with two large wind turbines and a small propeller plane taking off. © Goethe-Institut

#Language #Sustainability #Germany #USA
Let’s Talk Sustainability

From energy consultant to environmentalist: For "Let's Talks Sustainability," the Goethe-Institut Washington spoke with young people from around Germany about their fight for a better and more sustainable planet. 

Language: English, German

The word "error" is broken down into its letters by writing the "F" single, the "E double, the "H triple, and so on. The individual letters look incorrect, but can still be read. Design: Tobias Schrank

#Culture #Society #History

How can we innovate and make progress? Our answer is: often through mistakes. This podcast is about the innovative power of the best misconceptions and failures.

Language: English

A collage of images from various decades on the subject of freedom of speech: Thomas Mann speaks in front of a microphone, people wearing masks to protect themselves from the Corona virus raise their arms, people speak into a megaphone. Above these fotos is written: 55 Voices for Demogracy - the Podcast. © VATMH

#Culture #Politics #Democracy
Voices for Democracy

How can democracy be renewed and defended today? How do states respond to new challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic or rising right-wing populism? "55 Voices of Democracy" searches for answers.

Language: English

South America

The image of a knife brings along a range of associations linked to struggle and resistance, especially the occupation of narrative territories the resumption of narrative territories in the field of contemporary arts. Risca Faca is also what we call a bar with loud music and cheap drinks, and in this sense we seek a radically intimate language to talk about anti-colonial artistic experiences in Brazil. © Mulambo

#Culture #Art#Postcolonial
Risca Faca

Risca Faca (“Scratch a knife) – Contemporary art from the perspective of the artists: The Goethe-Institut São Paulo has created a narrative podcast that seeks to tread new paths of sound experience to exchange and reflect on contemporary art from an anticolonial perspective.

Language: Portuguese

A stack of Polaroid photos, all monochrome colored, depicting children and adults, probably a family. The photos seem from a family album of the 70s. © La Vida de Nos

#Culture #Politics #Socienty

Almost 5 million Venezuelans have left their homeland due to the economic, political and humanitarian situation. What does migration mean to them? How does the transmission of knowledge take place and what are role models of the young generation? "Generaciones" brings representatives of those who have left into dialogue with those who have stayed.

Language: Spanish

The green Goethe-Institut cover with a white painted headphone under which "Minuto Poesia" is written

#Culture #Literature #Poetry
Minuto Poesia

"Minuto Poesia" is a poetry reading podcast. In each episode a guest from the world of culture reads a poem of choice, in translation and sometimes in original German.

Language: Portugese, German
