
There are 50 Infohäuser at various locations throughout rural Germany. New migrants, who are third-country nationals coming to Germany with a visa for professional or personal reasons, can come here to find out about living and working in Germany, and to practise German. They can learn more about the programme offered locally and come into contact with other people.

Banner mit Logo des Infohauses © Goethe-Institut

50 Infohäuser were established throughout Germany within the scope of the AMIF project “Ankommen in Deutschland” (2019-2022), at which migrants can access information, navigate the migration pathway and use the “Mein Weg nach Deutschland” website. They are housed within public institutions in rural areas (such as authorities, libraries, adult education centres or welcome centres) to provide targeted support for migrants in rural areas of Germany (towns with fewer than 50,000 inhabitants).

The Infohäuser offer a space for networking and dialogue locally, as well as promoting the services targeted at that group in the region. offered locally for that target group. The Infohäuser are intended as a meeting place as well as a point of contact for those early days in Germany. They complement existing services in digital format as well as local programmes for new migrants, to ensure that this target group is optimally supported on arrival in Germany.

Current Project

During the current project term (01.07.2022 – 30.06.2025) the Infohäuser, which have been co-funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund as part of the project “Pre-integration and transition management – ensuring a successful migration process”, will continue and the service will be extended to cover 50 locations in total. Furthermore there are plans to provide six Welcome Coaches at six Goethe-Institutes in Germany as well as at the Infohäuser, with the goal of supporting migrants immediately after arrival in Germany and guiding them towards the official established integration services. Various digital and in-person event formats are planned, with the aim of providing information and networking in collaboration with our local partners.

Locations and cooperation partners

You can find an overview of all current locations and cooperation partners here.
Graphic map of Germany with the locations of the information centres marked on it Grafik: Carolin Eitel © Goethe-Institut

  • Logo Europäische Union
  • Logo Vorintegration und Übergangsmanagement

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