Systemic Crises in European Theatre

The Occupation of the Volksbühne Berlin
© Texte zur Kunst

Keynotes: Shannon Jackson, Chris Dercon, Axel Haunschild and Tracy C. Davis

Goethe-Institut London

This international conference examines the crisis of theatre in Europe. Across the continent we can observe significant institutional challenges and transformations: funding cuts, demographic changes, media and technological innovations, political interventions, movements in the public sphere, shifts in aesthetic tastes and moods. Each alone is seldom enough to cause a crisis, but in combination they do. There is a pressing need for robust research into the complex configuration of factors at work that are leading to significant shifts in the way theatre is understood, organised, delivered and received. The conference will bring together scholars from different disciplines and countries to examine factors that are common across Europe.
Keynote speakers: Shannon Jackson (Professor of Rhetoric, Theater, Dance and Performance Studies, UC Berkeley), Chris Dercon (former Intendant, Volksbühne Berlin) in conversation with Peter Boenisch (Founding Co-director, European Theatre Research Network), Axel Haunschild (Professor, Leibniz Universität Hannover) and Tracy C. Davis (Barber Professor of Performing Arts; Professor of English and Theatre, Northwestern University).

International panels include:

  • Post-socialist theatre
  • Crisis of funding
  • Activism
  • Occupations
  • Ways out of crisis?
  • Institutional Critique
  • Performance in crisis
  • Crisis of change
View or download the two-day conference schedule: 
Conference Schedule: Theatre in Crisis

We welcome conference participants to join us for a glass of wine at our reception on Friday, 27 April at the Goethe-Institut London.

Conception: Christopher Balme (LMU Munich/ Leverhulme Visiting Professor Royal Central School of Speech and Drama)
Tony Fisher (Royal Central School of Speech and Drama).

Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
Institute for Theatre Studies, LMU Munich
DFG Research Unit: ‘Configurations of Crisis: Institutional Transformation in the Contemporary Performing Arts’ (FOR 2734)
Goethe-Institut London
Supported by The Leverhulme Trust


Goethe-Institut London

50 Princes Gate
Exhibition Road
United Kingdom

Language: English
Price: £5/Day

+44 20 75964000