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Objekte der Freiheit

Was verkörpert Freiheit? Die Vorstellung von Freiheit ist von Mensch zu Mensch unterschiedlich. Hier sind einige Objekte, die Künstler*innen zu Freiheit in Beziehung setzen.

  • <strong>Gaurav Ogale</strong><br /> <br /> This horse was given to me by my grandfather when I was a teenager. To be honest, I have never thought about this object as much as I did when I was writing this. Perhaps because I don't tend to define objects that are almost a part of me, they mean different things to me at different times. Or maybe because it has been with me all along, in every house I have lived in. It’s always been placed prominently in every home and I don’t remember a single day when I haven’t looked at it. 'A horse with wings'; sounds like it would be a light little sculpture, right? It’s only when you lift it you realize how heavy it is. Casted entirely in iron, I have always thought of it as an ironic piece of expression – when you look at it from a distance, it gives you a sense of being free, curious, taking that leap as if there isn’t any barrier. But it’s only when you get closer, try to carry it, you realise how something so delicate can make you gasp for breath.<br /> <br />Just like the idea of freedom. © Gaurav Ogale
    Gaurav Ogale

    This horse was given to me by my grandfather when I was a teenager. To be honest, I have never thought about this object as much as I did when I was writing this. Perhaps because I don't tend to define objects that are almost a part of me, they mean different things to me at different times. Or maybe because it has been with me all along, in every house I have lived in. It’s always been placed prominently in every home and I don’t remember a single day when I haven’t looked at it. 'A horse with wings'; sounds like it would be a light little sculpture, right? It’s only when you lift it you realize how heavy it is. Casted entirely in iron, I have always thought of it as an ironic piece of expression – when you look at it from a distance, it gives you a sense of being free, curious, taking that leap as if there isn’t any barrier. But it’s only when you get closer, try to carry it, you realise how something so delicate can make you gasp for breath.

    Just like the idea of freedom.
  • Objekte der Freiheit: Oliver Pötzsch © Oliver Pötzsch
    Freiheit ist für mich ... mein deutscher Reisepass. Als Patenvater eines afghanischen Jungen, der 2015 nach Deutschland geflohen ist, weiß ich mittlerweile, wie wertvoll dieses Stück Papier ist. Ich frage mich oft, warum dieses Ding eigentlich darüber entscheiden darf, wie frei ein Mensch ist. Der deutsche Pass gibt mir die Möglichkeit, überall auf der Welt hinzureisen. Unser Patensohn Ahmad durfte am Anfang nicht mal das Bundesland Bayern verlassen. Macht ein Pass einen Menschen erst frei? Und warum machen manche Pässe freier als andere?
  • Objects of Freedom © Amitava Kumar
    This is a drawing I made in the British Library. It is a notebook used by the writer Penelope Fitzgerald during her travels in China in 1977. No photography or photocopying was allowed; I took notes and made a drawing. The first entry read: “Dec 3. Heathrow Bucharest. My shabby luggage. My sweater and trousers much too hot. My savings scanty. Am I going bald?....” For me, a notebook represents freedom. I like that what I think of as freedom is portable and light.  And I can’t lose it as easily as a pen. You might ask, why not a book? They are in danger, after all. Books are often banned by dictators and ideologues, doesn’t a book really represent freedom? I like the argument and, believe me, books are some of my best friends. But my greater fondness is for notebooks. Especially a new notebook or one that has still got blank pages. There is openness.
  • Objekte der Freiheit: Susanne Asgodom © Susanne Asgodom
    Freiheit bedeutet für mich, mit Menschen überall auf der Welt digital zu kommunizieren.
  • <strong>Gurjeet Singh</strong><br /> <br /> As a child, I often would watch my mom and sisters working on the sewing machine at home. When they would stitch or knit, I’d help them thread the needle, and sit beside them while they created outfits for the people in my village. I developed a keen interest, the various processes, and stiches. But those around me would warn my parents not to let me work on the machine. They would reprimand me for sitting among girls, and ask me to play outside and do "boy" things. back then, I wasn't impacted, but now I realise how this impacted my opinions and behaviour. When I made my first soft sculpture, my classmates presumed that “it's by a female artist”. But I continued to work; exploring through the threads of love, beads of passion, and colours of equality.<br /> © Gurjeet Singh
    Gurjeet Singh

    As a child, I often would watch my mom and sisters working on the sewing machine at home. When they would stitch or knit, I’d help them thread the needle, and sit beside them while they created outfits for the people in my village. I developed a keen interest, the various processes, and stiches. But those around me would warn my parents not to let me work on the machine. They would reprimand me for sitting among girls, and ask me to play outside and do "boy" things. back then, I wasn't impacted, but now I realise how this impacted my opinions and behaviour. When I made my first soft sculpture, my classmates presumed that “it's by a female artist”. But I continued to work; exploring through the threads of love, beads of passion, and colours of equality.
  • Objekte der Freiheit: Stefanie Samida © Stefanie Samida
    Eines meines Fahrräder bedeutet für mich Freiheit. Denn nichts ist schöner, als einfach darauf loszuradeln und sich treiben zu lassen – vor allem wenn man ‚neu’ in einer Stadt ist.
  • Objekte der Freiheit: Nandita Das © Nandita Das
    Wenn ich an Freiheit denke, denke ich an viele Dinge, viele Menschen, viele Momente in meinem Leben. Aber wenn ich ein Objekt wählen müsste, das für mich Freiheit repräsentiert, wäre es der Stift. Ich spüre zwar ein Gefühl der Ermächtigung, das die Freiheit mit sich bringt, wenn ich als Filmemacherin eine Geschichte erzähle, wenn ich als Schauspielerin eine Figur spiele oder wenn ich als Rednerin eine leidenschaftliche Rede halte, aber am meisten spüre ich sie, wenn ich mich zum Schreiben hinsetze. Ich bin allein mit mir und meinen Gedanken, Gefühlen, Träumen, Dilemmas und Sorgen. Es gibt keine anderen Blicke. Dann fühle ich mich wirklich frei.
