“Mein Weg nach Deutschland” - the web portal for helping people find their bearings in Germany

The website “Mein Weg nach Deutschland” (www.goethe.de/mwnd) is primarily aimed at new arrivals from non-member states who want to emigrate to Germany for professional or private reasons, or have already arrived. Since 2013, it has been an essential component of numerous pre-integration and initial integration projects co-financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).
On the web portal "Mein Weg nach Deutschland", immigrants can find German exercises and information on everyday and professional life in Germany in 30 different languages. During the last project period, the portal was expanded and modernised. It is now largely barrier-free and fully mobile-compatible. New immigrants can be directed straight to the government advice and integration systems. via the portal.
In addition, 35 information points (Infohaus) were set up in public facilities in rural areas throughout Germany during the past project period, where new immigrants can obtain information, find their way around the migration landscape and use the portal.
Practise German
The section “Practise German” offers a variety of free resources for maintaining the language level A1 as well as for training the language levels A2 to B2. Here are some examples:- Mini series: “Erste Wege in Deutschland” (“First steps in Germany”). This series shows everyday challenges faced by immigrants during their first few months in Germany. Visual and listening comprehension is supported through exercises.
- Game "Der Superhelden-Campus – Eine Ausbildung. Ein Auftrag. Ein Superheld.“ (“The Superhero Campus - One Training. One assignment. One superhero.”) (level A2): In this game, German learners deal with subject-specific vocabulary and typical activities that characterise training in shortage occupations such as mechatronics, woodworking and metalworking.
- Game "Undercover-Mission im Krankenhaus“ ("Undercover Mission in the Hospital") (level B2): Here the players slip into the role of a nurse as detectives and learn relevant vocabulary and everyday activities of this profession.
- "Training für den Beruf" ("Training for the job") (level B1-B2): With these exercises, German learners deal with the topics "Job search in Germany", "Communication in the company" and "Job satisfaction".

Living in Germany
The section "Living in Germany" offers practical information on topics such as "First Steps in Germany", "Education and Work", "Family", "Everyday Life" and "Living in Germany and Europe". All information texts are at level A1/A2; more difficult vocabulary is explained separately in the glossary. The content is also available as audio text and sign language videos. The information is translated into the 30 most common languages of origin of the target group. The aim is to improve the information on German life and culture even further, as well as develop our advisory service to help increase participation rates for immigrants from non-member countries.
discover Germany
As a multimedia portal, "Mein Weg nach Deutschland" offers the opportunity to get to know Germany in different ways. For example, you can find podcasts on the topic of "Ankommen in der Berufswelt" ("Arriving in the world of work"), in which five immigrants present their professions and their lives in Germany. The protagonists of the vlog series "Einen Schritt voraus" ("One step ahead") also talk about their experiences in Germany. This content has also been didacticised and can be used in class and for individual German practice.
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getting Help
The section "Finding Help" provides general information and concrete tips on contact points for new immigrants in Germany. In addition to counselling centres and integration course providers, an interactive map provides an overview of Foreigners' Registration Office and Welcome Centres in Germany. In addition, migrant organisations and online counselling services are presented, as well as contact points for dealing with experiences of discrimination. If you cannot find an answer to your individual question here, you can send a request via a form and receive a professional and anonymous answer from migration counsellors.
© Goethe-Institut
For Teachers
To familiarise teachers, advisors and interested visitors with the website, this section includes an information video on “Mein Weg nach Deutschland”, learning materials, transcripts, didactic material and teaching sketches for the use of the web portal in the classroom. The brochure "Mein Deutschlandheft" is also suitable for this purpose, as it supports preparation in the home country for the first time in Germany.
© Goethe-Institut
As a result of the war of aggression against Ukraine, the web portal "Mein Weg nach Deutschland" has been offering information and further links for refugees from Ukraine in German, Ukrainian and Russian since spring 2022.The website address is:
You can also find “Mein Weg nach Deutschland” on Facebook and on Intsagram:
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