We support self-determined mobility and lighten the burden of arriving in Germany.
Our Approach
Migratory movements result from different factors. They range from flight to self-determined mobility in working life and education. This holds challenges and opportunities for society, politics and economics.
With our locations in Germany and abroad, we build bridges all over the world. Through the interlinking of language, education and cultural programmes, we accompany the migration process and make occupational and societal participation easier. Our many years of experience in diverse programmes on occupational and educational mobility flow into this. Through the networking of migrants returning to their homelands, we support the principle of circular migration.
We strengthen the interest in Germany as a place to study, innovate and do business, and we accompany school pupils, students and skilled workers during their arrival in society, higher education and in employment. In the countries of origin and in Germany, we offer preparatory courses for higher education and occupations, specifically language courses and cross-cultural preparation.
We support the international networking and exchange of alumni and returning migrants. In this way, we help to strengthen relations between the society the migrants come from, and the society they come to.
Mobility in the fields of culture and education
We promote the mobility of cultural professionals through physical, digital and hybrid formats such as information trips, exchange programmes and scholarships. We enable people to get to know each other as well as establish dialogue relationships between different societies and cultures. We support regional and worldwide cooperation and use the opportunities provided by digital networking.
Participation of refugees
In Germany and our guest countries, we leverage our language, cultural and educational programmes to promote societal participation of people who have fled their homelands. We support cultural professionals and representatives of the educational sector who have fled their homelands with practical assistance and networking programmes, thereby strengthening cultural and educational scenes in exile. We provide spaces and develop cross-border platforms for stakeholders from the cultural sector and civil society who are under pressure in their countries.