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“DEINE BAND”: interview with pop band ok.danke.tschüss
Abandoned coffee mugs

DEINE BAND : ok.danke.tschüss
DEINE BAND : ok.danke.tschüss | Foto (Ausschnitt): © Herr Willie

ok.danke.tschüss are “DEINE BAND”. In this project, the band was given the opportunity to write songs for learners of German on the houseboat belonging to well-known German musicians Olli Schulz and Fynn Kliemann. Singer Eva Sauter knows exactly the words that people learning German should never sing.

By Judith Schulde

How did you actually become “DEINE BAND”?
Eva Sauter: We applied for the competition “DEINE BAND” (“YOUR BAND”) and out of the many other bands who applied, we were selected. We applied because we found the project really cool. Music is a fantastic way to discover language and tells our ears an enormous amount about the sound, the idioms and the culture associated with it. We also applied because of the amazing opportunity to go on an entire world tour, gain insights into the everyday lives of other cultures and to have fun with as many people as possible through music. At the moment we are on the houseboat of Olli Schulz and Fynn Kliemann in Hamburg where we are making music with the fabulous Nicholas Müller, singer of the band Jupiter Jones – this has really helped us to progress further with our songs. 

Oliver Schulz and Fynn Kliemann's houseboat Oliver Schulz and Fynn Kliemann's houseboat | Foto (Ausschnitt): © „Herr Willie“
Did you have to write your songs in a different way for this project?
Eva Sauter: To some extent, yes, because we are focusing on certain topics that are important for people learning German such as “looking for an apartment” or “bureaucracy”. For other topics, we just write as we normally do.
When the album is ready: What can the public look forward to?
Eva Sauter: Really good stuff, music you can dance to, romantic and melancholy pieces about abandoned coffee cups, and ten music videos. 
How did you discover your love of music?
Eva Sauter: Via my parents, who are musicians themselves. I decided to begin studying at the Popakademie and got to know Manuel and Lucas there. We have been a band and close friends too from day one. And I think this friendship and familiarity is reflected in our music.
Singer Eva Sauter of the band ok.danke.tschüss Singer Eva Sauter of the band ok.danke.tschüss | Foto (Ausschnitt): © „Herr Willie“
Do you have specific role models?
Eva Sauter: I’m a great fan of Käpt’n Peng, Von Wegen Lisbeth and Peter Fox. You can probably hear this in some of the songs.
Is there a word that you definitely don’t recommend for people learning German, especially if they try to sing it?
Eva Sauter: Oh yes, several: Bruttosozialprodukt (“gross national product), Desoxiribonukleinsäure (“deoxyribonucleic acid”), Eierschalensollbruchstellenverursacher (“boiled egg opener”). 

If people learning German are listening to your music abroad: What image of Germany will your songs create in their minds?

Eva Sauter: A very diverse image. We laugh about clichés that have a kernel of truth in them, but also explore political problems in Germany, such as the overpriced market for apartments or consumer craziness. I hope that it will be a very colourful image because we are a colourful, multicultural country of immigration. It will be very exciting to share what we experience and hear about inside Germany with the outside world, and discover what the overlaps and differences are.
