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Online Individual B1 exam preparation

Online Individual B1 exam preparation
  • Set your own schedule on the learning platform
  • Receive feedback from an online teacher
  • Interactive group practice
  • Mock version of the exam's oral module

Have you almost completed level B1 in German and want to document your learning success with a Goethe-Zertifikat B1? Then the Online Individual B1 exam preparation is the perfect choice for you.

Ready for the
Goethe-Zertifikat B1

This online course will give you targeted and effective help to prepare for the "Goethe-Zertifikat B1" examination. On the Goethe-Institut’s learning platform (Moodle), you will work independently and intensively, managing your own time as you complete online tasks tailored to the exam requirements. In this process, you will receive support from an online teacher. A number of live online group sessions will be held during the course.

In the Online Individual B1 exam preparation, you will work on B1-level content that is relevant to the exam. You yourself should already for the most part have reached proficiency at level B1 before starting this course so that you can take the "Goethe-Zertifikat B1" after you have finished it.

You will take a placement test before the start of the course. We will be happy to give you advice about your results.

  • Self-directed learning (online with support): weekly workload of around 10 individual lessons (45 minutes)
  • Live online group sessions: one each (45 minutes) in the first, third and fourth week of the course
  • Online mock version of the exam’s oral module in pairs: around 30 minutes for each pair in the fifth/sixth week of the course
  • Level
    B1 (largely) completed

  • Duration
    6 weeks

  • Hours per week
    Around 10 lessons

  • Total scope
    60 lessons,
    including three live online sessions and one online mock version of the exam’s oral module

  • Participants
    max. 16

  • Course location

  • Access to learning platform
    8 weeks from the start of the course

  • Price
    EUR 289

Upcoming dates

There are currently no dates available.

What does the Online Individual examination preparation course include?

Test your knowledge: Take stock of your language skills at level B1, receiving individual feedback and recommendations from your online teacher.

Practise your skills: Complete reading, listening, writing and speaking exercises as well as practising strategies, idioms and grammar that are relevant to the exam.

Final training: Work through a final training session, which includes a complete set of tasks that are set in the same way as in the Goethe-Zertifikat B1 and to be completed under exam time conditions.

Overviews: A series of important overviews are available for you to download:
  • An overview of strategies, grammar and idioms
  • Assessment criteria for writing and speaking
  • B1 exam vocabulary: alphabetical and categorised (flashcards)
Questions and answers: You can contact your online teacher with your questions about the exam as well as communicating with the other members of your learning group on the forum.

The live online sessions focus on:
  • Communicating with one another, resolving any questions about the test
  • Working on speaking skills with a view to meeting the exam’s requirements
  • Information about what the oral module of the exam involves
  • Tips on completing the final training

In the online mock exam, the oral module is done in pairs under exam time conditions. After this, each pair will receive brief feedback from their online teacher.
Group and learner on laptop
Training in all parts of the exam

Training in all parts of the                    exam


Feedback from an online teacher

Simulation of exam situations

Mock version of the exam’s oral module

Thomas Topp

“This course offers targeted preparation for the exam with a variety of different tasks and excellent material on our learning platform. Plus, you get to learn when and where it suits you.”

Thomas Topp, Teacher Goethe-Institut Dresden

FAQs – Frequently asked questions

We are happy to advise you +49 89 1222 3 1222 from Mon to Fri, 8am – 6pm: kundenservice-d@goethe.de