The Goethe-Institut London invites you to the next Primary Teacher’s Day on Saturday, 1 February 2020. The day will include seminars, advice and tools for German teaching as well as providing an excellent networking opportunity. Coffee, tea and lunch will be provided.
10:00 – 10.15 Arrival, coffee and tea
10:15 – 10:30 Welcome
10:30 – 11:15 German Culture in the Language Classroom – Katja Neubauer & Emma Whittle
11:15 – 12:00 Workshop on Lesson planning for Karla & Kai – Dominique Böert
12:00 – 12:30 Lunch
12:30 – 13:15 Teaching German through Songs – Katja Neubauer & Emma Whittle
13:15 – 13:45 Best-Practice Ideas
13:45 – 14:00 Goethe-Institut London: Offers, news and events – Dominique Böert
14:00 Evaluation
Lunch as well as coffee and tea will be provided and are covered by the attendance fee. Please send us the form below to register for the day:
Deadline: 31.01.2020
We will send you the invoice for the attendance fee after registration, you can then pay by bank transfer or cheque. Please always quote your invoice number when making payment.
Travel Allowance
We offer a £100 travel allowance for active German primary school teachers living more than 50 miles away from London to make it possible for them to attend our Primary Teachers’ Day. A limited number of grants is available.
The travel allowance will be transferred after the event. Conference attendance is a requirement for receiving the allowance and the £10 registration fee is due before the event to secure your space.
If you want to apply for a grant, please fill in the form below and return the document to:
We hope you all can make it!