Fringe Events
Fringe Events

Future Fashion © Jazmin Quaynor
A series of fringe events accompanying the exhibition make the topic of fast fashion, slow fashion and DIY-culture even more tangible. While the exhibition and permanent presentation in the lab offer insights that the visitor can individually engage with, read, look at and feel, the fringe events offer experiences of collective creation and learning. So, let us start a conversation on how we see our daily fashion choices and its effect on our lives today. We are looking forward to a month of learning, sharing, experimenting and inspiring each other, in order for each of us to become a much more conscious “fashion being” today than we were yesterday.

The Curatorial Statement - Ika Vantiani
Acquiring knowledge should lead us to more ideas to challenge our fashion action. We are not only going to find more information about the fashion products that we are about to buy, but we are also going to see other alternatives regarding our way in consuming fashion that will make us a much better fashion being inside and outside.