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Language tandem Munich

Are you learning a foreign language and would like to try out what you have learnt? Would you like to improve your knowledge and, above all, your speaking of the foreign language? The Goethe-Institut's free Tandem programme offers you the opportunity to come into contact with German learners and enter into a linguistic exchange. Find a language partnership for yourself now!

  • Make contacts
  • Learning together
  • Practise speaking

Learning languages together

People from all over the world learn German at the Goethe-Institut Munich. Many of them would like to get in touch with people from Munich. The tandem programme enables you and our German learners to enter into a language exchange, improve your language skills in a relaxed setting and make new friends all over the world.

Please note that prior knowledge of the foreign language is essential. A tandem programme cannot replace a language course!

How to find your language partnership

First register on the learning platform "Deutsch für dich". You can then log in to the platform and find the Sprachtandem München group on the homepage or via this link. If you have a Goethe account, you can also log in to "Deutsch für dich" with this access data and do not need to register.
In the "Tandem Program München" group, there are forums divided into different languages. 
Are you a native German speaker? Then look for the forum for the language you want to learn. 
Would you like to improve your German? Then look for the forum for your own first language. 

In the forums you will find the posts of participants who are already registered with information about themselves and their language skills. There you can first check whether a suitable partner is already registered. You can contact each other directly via the portal.

If this is not the case, write a post yourself and provide the following information:
  • Name
  • Age
  • Hobbies
  • "I would like to meet in person." or "I would like to meet online."
In order to find a suitable partner as quickly as possible, it is important that you adhere to the form described above. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The "Deutsch für Dich" forum is also subject to netiquette, which applies to the creation of all posts and which you can read here.

Do you have any questions?

Your preferred or first language is not yet available? Are you having problems creating your account?