Our team
All of the employees warmly welcome you to the Goethe-Institut Munich.
If you have any questions about our language courses and exams, please email
or give us a call under +49 89 1222 3 1222.
Dr. Imke Mohr
Regional Director Germany
Institut Director
Frank Wittig
Head of Language Department Germany
Deputy Institut and Regional Director
Liliya Liaukovich
Assistant to Regional Director
Helmut Frielinghaus
Regional Coordinator Transition Management / AMIF
Regional Director Germany
Institut Director
Frank Wittig
Head of Language Department Germany
Deputy Institut and Regional Director
Liliya Liaukovich
Assistant to Regional Director
Helmut Frielinghaus
Regional Coordinator Transition Management / AMIF
Frank Wittig
Head of Language Department Germany
Deputy Institut and Regional Director
Gabriela Kurz
Lead Language Courses and Examinations
Thomas Vogler
Regional course room administration
Head of Language Department Germany
Deputy Institut and Regional Director
Gabriela Kurz
Lead Language Courses and Examinations
Thomas Vogler
Regional course room administration
Igor Berdnykov
Head of German Courses and Examinations Munich
Lukas Ketel
Coordination German Courses and Examinations
Eva-Maria von Bose
Customer service German courses and exams
Alexander Zacharias
Customer service German courses and exams
Sabjan Mullaymeri
Customer service German courses and exams
Christina Neudecker
Customer service German courses and exams
Doris Vancutsem
N. N.
Trainee Language Courses and Examinations
Lina Gast
Trainee Cultural and Leisure Programme
Francisco Javier Cantero Mesa
Trainee Language Courses and Exams
Head of German Courses and Examinations Munich
Lukas Ketel
Coordination German Courses and Examinations
Eva-Maria von Bose
Customer service German courses and exams
Alexander Zacharias
Customer service German courses and exams
Sabjan Mullaymeri
Customer service German courses and exams
Christina Neudecker
Customer service German courses and exams
Doris Vancutsem
N. N.
Trainee Language Courses and Examinations
Lina Gast
Trainee Cultural and Leisure Programme
Francisco Javier Cantero Mesa
Trainee Language Courses and Exams
Vincent Marc Schnelle
Head of Online Language Courses in Germany
Alena Shchurouskaya
Specialist for Online Courses in Germany
Eva Link
Birthe Harms
Trainee in Language Work
Head of Online Language Courses in Germany
Alena Shchurouskaya
Specialist for Online Courses in Germany
Eva Link
Birthe Harms
Trainee in Language Work
Julika Betz
Anneli Billina
Anna Breitsameter
Marianna Charitou
Dr. Bettina von der Forst
Claudia Hinterhölzel
Katja Hirschel
Bettina Höldrich
Karl Suse
Claudia Mahr
Dorothee Moser
Andreas Pöschl
Silvia Reckermann
Stefanie Steiner
Dana Thamm
Annette Walsh
Astrid Weidmann
Anneli Billina
Anna Breitsameter
Marianna Charitou
Dr. Bettina von der Forst
Claudia Hinterhölzel
Katja Hirschel
Bettina Höldrich
Karl Suse
Claudia Mahr
Dorothee Moser
Andreas Pöschl
Silvia Reckermann
Stefanie Steiner
Dana Thamm
Annette Walsh
Astrid Weidmann
Stefan Geller
Team Leader Young Learners' Programme
Eva-Maria Schumacher
Coordination Young Learners' Programme
Elisabeth Hölzwimmer
Customer Service PASCH Young Learners Courses
Hanna Lindig
Team Leader Young Learners' Programme
Eva-Maria Schumacher
Coordination Young Learners' Programme
Elisabeth Hölzwimmer
Customer Service PASCH Young Learners Courses
Hanna Lindig
Michaela Halt
Division Director Marketing and Sales
Uta Beckmann
Lead Sales
Didem Develioglu-Schiemann
Lead Sales
Florian Runschke
Lead Marketing
Hanna Bork
Trainee Content Marketing
Division Director Marketing and Sales
Uta Beckmann
Lead Sales
Didem Develioglu-Schiemann
Lead Sales
Florian Runschke
Lead Marketing
Hanna Bork
Trainee Content Marketing
If you have any questions about the cultural education offered at the Goethe-Instituts in Germany, please send us an email at
Sophia Lehmann
Communications Manager Cultural Education
Betty Schubert
Lead Migration and Integration
Communications Manager Cultural Education
Betty Schubert
Lead Migration and Integration
Gundekar Bauer
Commercial Management Germany
Thomas Kölsch
Sandra Madaio
Time tracking
Gerlinde Schneider
Administration and Organisation
Commercial Management Germany
Thomas Kölsch
Sandra Madaio
Time tracking
Gerlinde Schneider
Administration and Organisation
Sascha Meyer
Head of Administration Munich
Michael Ebner
IT Contact
Operational Management
Manijeh Abkai
Anita Libera
Kristina Miletovic
Professional Development
Denis Miletovic
In-house Maintenance and Engineering
Head of Administration Munich
Michael Ebner
IT Contact
Operational Management
Manijeh Abkai
Anita Libera
Kristina Miletovic
Professional Development
Denis Miletovic
In-house Maintenance and Engineering