Webinar DRIN - Visions for Children's Books part 1 (Finland)

Eine bunte Seifenblase BIld: Alexas_Fotos auf Pixabay

FR 15.05.2020, 10-12 Uhr


A webinar on diversity and representation

Children’s books shape the world view we grow up with. It is important for children to be able to recognize themselves in stories, illustrations and narratives and, at the same time, to learn about the different realities of life around them. Does children’s literature in Germany, Finland and other (Northern) European countries today reflect the increasingly diverse societies in which we live, or does it make a growing proportion of its young population invisible?
How can alternative, under-represented narratives, voices and images be introduced? What good examples can we share? And what can the various players in this field – authors, illustrators, publishers, libraries and readers – learn from each other? These are questions the Goethe-Institut together with the artist Warda Ahmed, the illustrator EL BOUM and the author Chantal-Fleur Sandjon are asking in the project DRIN – Diversity, Representation, Inclusion, Norm Critique.


We invite you to take part in a webinar that aims to share insights into the field of children’s literature in Finland: how to get access into the publishing world, how to find colleagues/ partners who are interested in the same topics to work on together?

The webinar will include an introduction to the project DRIN, two short lectures with a Q&A by a representative of a publisher and an illustrator. There is also the possibility to work in small groups on visions:
  1. visions for authors,
  2. visions for illustrators,
  3. visions for the book market and
  4. visions for narratives. 


  • 10-10.20
    Introduction of the project by the Goethe-Institut and Warda Ahmed
  • 10.20-10.50
    Short lectures à 15 min by a representative of a publisher and the artist/illustrator Jesse Matilainen
  • 10.50-12.00
    Working groups and results of the working groups: how do we go on?
Jesse Matilainen is a comic artist. Originally from Kuopio, he has spent years in Winnipeg (Canada) and Beijing (China). He has a masters degree in anthropology and has been active in climate- and human rights-movements. At the moment, he works in a feminist comics collective.
He has published two comic albums - one of them was nominated for the Comic Finlandia -prize - and done illustrations and comics for different magazines. Matilainen teaches at the Finnish Comic Centre and belongs to a minority, although people do not necessarily always recognize this fact.


The OPEN CALL has space for ten participants. If you are interested, please send us your name and a short motivation why you want to participate
until Mon 04.05.2020 via e-mail:
Please let us also know in which working group you would like to participate. The participation is free of charge. 

The webinar is part of #StopHatredNow.
