Film The Culpable

Verfehlung © Camino Filmverleih / Pascal Schmit

Fri, 26.01.2018

4:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Ayr Film Society

Gerd Schneider / Germany 2015 / 96min / German with English subtitles

Jakob, Dominik and Oliver are friends, connected to one another not only through their football matches and occasional pub
visits, but also through their profession: all three are setting out on careers in the clergy. Jakob works as a prison chaplain,
Dominik is active in a parish and Oliver aspires to a role in the church hierarchy. Their friendship is put to the test when one day
Dominik is arrested on suspicion of having sexually abused minors. Jakob questions the veracity of the allegations but soon
discovers the truth. The scandal will be covered up if no one speaks out – will Jakob muster the courage to do what needs to
be done…?
