Concert Three Atmospheres presents the Youth Jazz Orchestra of Saxony

JJO © Angelika Luft

Sat, 18.08.2018

3:00 PM

Lancaster Hall Hotel

The Youth Jazz Orchestra of Saxony under the care of the Saxon Music Council is a bigband that brings together highly talented young musicians from all over Saxony. Some are yet pupils, others students at the local music conservatoires in Dresden and Leipzig.

Three Atmospheres is a joint project of young German composers such as Clemens Pötzsch and Paul Peuker and a large ensemble consisting of young musicians. The program’s ambition is to exceed the frontiers between Jazz, popular music and classical soundscapes by combining a classical string orchestra, woodwinds, improvising soloists, a rhythm section and an electronic ensemble: past, present, future.

This event is part of the engangement for the promotion of young talented musicians by the Goethe-Institut.
