Pitch_it © Goethe-Institut Budapest

PITCH_IT 4TH EDITION is a workshop programme for emerging directors, writers, and producers who are based in the Republic of Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, the Republic of Serbia, and the Slovak Republic and aims to support your first steps in the film industry. The project is a collaboration between Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg and Goethe-Institut funded by the programme „Perspektive Donau” of the Foundation Baden-Württemberg Stiftung. 

Pitching Event PITCH_IT 4th EDITION

During the 75. Edition of Berlin International Film Festival, we would like to invite you to the Goethe-Institut Berlin, to attend the final pitches and get together of 8 fresh film projects.

The projects have been developed within the PITCH_IT workshops series. The presentations will be followed by a get-together in the same location sponsored by MFG Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg film fund.

As we have only a capacity of 80 chairs, we were booked out quickly the past years,
therefore we would kindly ask you toplease register here until Feb. 10th 2025:

Projects 2025

Projects 2025


More to read

Sibylle Kurz © Sibylle Kurz

Ein Interview mit Sibylle Kurz
Professionalität, Kommunikationswille und -fähigkeit setze ich voraus

Zum Anlass der finalen Veranstaltung von PITCH_IT@Berlinale am 16. Februar 2023 gewährt Sibylle Kurz, international gefragte Pitching-Trainerin einen Einblick in den Verlauf ihrer Karriere, in die Kunst des Pitchens, sowie hinter die Kulissen von PITCH_IT@Berlinale 2023.
