Pitch_it © Goethe-Institut Budapest

PITCH_IT 3RD EDITION is a workshop programme for emerging directors, writers, and producers who are based in the Republic of Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, the Republic of Serbia, and the Slovak Republic and aims to support your first steps in the film industry. The project is a collaboration between Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg and Goethe-Institut funded by the programme „Perspektive Donau” of the Foundation Baden-Württemberg Stiftung. 


Here you can find the participating projects of Pitch it 3rd Edition in 2024.
Learn more about the ideas of young filmmakers!


Pitch_it 2023-2024

The art of pitching is the professional oral presentation of a project idea or story. A task that even brilliant filmmakers and producers often fail at. A successful pitch of a film project can decide whether a project is realized or not.

PITCH_IT offers intensive workshops in the fields of production, directing, distribution and film-marketing. All Mentors are highly experienced and decorated members of the current film industry and will guide your project throughout this program. Furthermore, the pitching training by communication trainer Sibylle Kurz is intended to help the participants to prepare their projects in line with the actual film market requirements and offer skills for networking in the international film industry.

At the end of the trainings, the participants can present their film projects to employees of international film festivals (previous Editions featured experts from Sundance, IDFA, Dok.Fest München etc.), film funding agencies, streamers like NETFLIX (2023 Edition) and distributers like BETA Film and Deckert Distribution (2023 Edition) alongside Berlinae 2024.

We look forward to applications from filmmakers in the fields of documentary, feature film and experimental film with their long (minimum 60 minutes) film-projects.

The language of the training and the workshop is English.
The conditions of participation and details can be found in the call for entries.

The application deadline is 7th of September 2023

Pitch_it_apply © Goethe-Institut Budapest


Sibylle Kurz © Sibylle Kurz

Ein Interview mit Sibylle Kurz
Professionalität, Kommunikationswille und -fähigkeit setze ich voraus

Zum Anlass der finalen Veranstaltung von PITCH_IT@Berlinale am 16. Februar 2023 gewährt Sibylle Kurz, international gefragte Pitching-Trainerin einen Einblick in den Verlauf ihrer Karriere, in die Kunst des Pitchens, sowie hinter die Kulissen von PITCH_IT@Berlinale 2023.

Sibylle Kurz © Sibylle Kurz

Ein Interview mit Sibylle Kurz
Professionalität, Kommunikationswille und -fähigkeit setze ich voraus

Zum Anlass der finalen Veranstaltung von PITCH_IT@Berlinale am 16. Februar 2023 gewährt Sibylle Kurz, international gefragte Pitching-Trainerin einen Einblick in den Verlauf ihrer Karriere, in die Kunst des Pitchens, sowie hinter die Kulissen von PITCH_IT@Berlinale 2023.
