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Berlin, Germany

#FutureNow – Schulen für Nachhaltigkeit - Berlin

Learn with, from and for one another in Berlin’s biggest bilingual European School (German/Spanish) together with 1,300 students and 120 teachers of over 80 nationalities.

Situated in the heart of Berlin, the Friedensburg-Oberschule conveys a great importance to the development of the European and international dimension. Thus, about half of our students learn in German classes, while the other half take half of their subjects in Spanish. We are especially proud of our ‘Willkommensklassen’ for newly-arrived foreign students and we offer laptop classes and professional orientation classes, which deal with differentiation and the integration of media to our internal school curriculum, as well as a music profiled class in each year, whose concerts are highly acclaimed regionally. Finally, we have gained experience in coordinating Erasmus and eTwinning projects and are proud to be an accredited Erasmus school. Indeed we are looking forward to sharing our knowledge and experience with our FutureNow partner school and work on alternative futures in our cities, focusing on ecological approaches meant to support an sustainable development.
