David Soin Tappeser

About the Actant

David Soin Tappeser © David Soin Tappeser
© David Soin Tappeser
David Soin Tappeser is a German-born jazz drummer, currently based between London and New Delhi. His practice primarily revolves around experimentation and improvisation - more often than not, as a means to re-visit/ re-invigorate/ re-invent established traditions. His studies and extensive travels in India, Nepal, Mexico and Europe have brought him into contact with a variety of different musical, percussive and artistic traditions, leaving an audible impact on his understanding of the drum set as a performative medium. His particularly subtle, melodic approach to the instrument puts strong emphasis on the aesthetic of tone, sound and dynamics.

40 Milliseconds © David Soin Tappeser
© David Soin Tappeser
In 40 milliseconds, David Soin Tappeser proposes a durational performance centred around rhythm. Oscillating between solo recitals and sonic entanglements with invited musicians and sound artists, who will join intermittently at different points during the day, the performance will feature 15 hours and 48 minutes of uninterrupted drumming. Audiences shall be free to roam around, investigate, eat, leave, drink, sleep, converse, return, paint, dance or meditate. By accumulating tensions between sound and silence, agitation and rest, by the marking of pulses, divisions and subdivisions, by implying patterns, polyrhythms and counterpoints, by using phase, fragmentation and inversions, by varying pitch, volume and touch: the piece will attempt to capture our collective attention, create shared space for individual experience, singular resonance.
