Sanjib Kalita

About the Actant

Sanjib’s practice incorporates his memories of a hill – its ecosystem, the weather on the hill, everything informs his practice – as it has immense possibilities for learning. The land and how it is shaped by the human mind is what fuels his practice as an artist and informs his understanding of community and the land as a physical site. He is interested in the site and how it has influenced him to build a realationship with the community. His practice also incorporates the notion of migration and its relationship with/effect in shaping the face of the land in terms of ownership and identity; his practice also incorporates the conflict between the hills and plains.

Research for a Community Space Through Art © Sanjib Kalita
© Sanjib Kalita
A community based participatory project about developing art and social practices at a site in Guwahati - a hill - to create a network of people. The site has a multi-layered history from being a stone quarry to a residential site; it was once an ecological sound site; the quarry provided employment for residents, etc. Over time the space changed ecologically due to human activity in the area and there was a constant change in the demographics. The proposal is to create 'moments of togetherness' via a series of events that will be documented and published.
