with Martina Schwarz
We would like to invite you to take part in this training opportunity with the London based songwriter/composer and musician Martina Schwarz. Martina’s interactive song programme is tailor-made for young learners of German around the world.
Similar to her concerts with children, there will be no "sitting still" for long in this fun-packed interactive workshop based on her song books "Learn German with Songs". In this workshop you will explore different creative ways of using music, song, and movement in the MFL classroom. You will take away lots of ideas on how to combine language learning with fun and music and, of course, Martina’s songs will stay with you for many years. They are real "Ohrwürmer" which is the German word for a catchy tune.
This event is also a good opportunity to meet colleagues from other school and to exchange ideas and best practice examples over brunch and coffee. There will also be information on the primary teaching resources of the Goethe-Institut Glasgow.
About Martina
Martina Schwarz was born in Cologne and is now based in London working as a songwriter/composer, musician, choir leader and performer. She holds a degree in education and has a longstanding background as a music and German (MFL) teacher in primary education. Martina has always believed that music is an excellent vehicle for language learning as language in itself is music with its own rhythm and intonation.
Her songbooks and CDs "Learn German with songs" and "Spielerisch Deutsch lernen, Lieder und Reime" (Hueber) have been developed in collaboration with the Goethe Institute London. She tours primary schools all over the world with her interactive song programme.
Please send us an email with the name and address of your school to:
Deadline of Registration:
28 October 2018.