Discussion John von Düffel: 'Vom Wasser'

Book Cover: Vom Wasser ©Piper

Tue, 26.01.2016

6:30 PM

Goethe-Institut Glasgow

Join us to discuss the novel "Vom Wasser" (About/From Water) by John von Düffel.

The dramatic story of a paper manufacturing dynasty – told by someone was always magically drawn back to the water. Before our inner eye the man resurrects his gallery of ancestral portraits. He recalls the summer scenes of his childhood and imagines how it could have been: That time in the last century when his great-great-grandfather discovered how to turn water into paper and paper into money on his estate between the rivers Orpe and Diemel. That time when the son of the baroque founder used his keen sense of numbers to hold on to the company through the war. That time when the legacy of the firstborn factory owner was threatened by another war and an art-loving director. That time when a woman brought temporary salvation.

John von Düffel was born in Göttingen in 1966. He is dramaturg at the Deutsches Theater Berlin and professor for scenic writing at the Universität der Künste in Berlin.
