International Online Book Club MEET THE AUTHOR: Nora Gomringer

Nora Gomringer: The Trilogy of Surfaces and Invisibilities © Judith Kinitz

Tue, 28.03.2023

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM


Mein Gedicht fragt nicht lange (My Poem Doesn’t Ask For Long) and Die Trilogie der Unsichtbarkeiten und Oberflächen (The Trilogy of Surfaces and Invisibilities)

"Caution! Nora Gomringer might amuse you, perplex you, or even make you cry (for the right reasons!). It's all happened before …" (quote from

Join us for our latest International Book Club meeting, to enjoy a range of poetic delights from this month’s guest, Nora Gomringer.

Nora will be treating us to a journey through her poetic work, with a particular focus on Mein Gedicht fragt nicht lange (My Poem Doesn’t Ask For Long) and Die Trilogie der Unsichtbarkeiten und Oberflächen (The Trilogy of Surfaces and Invisibilities). We’ll hear page-bound poems, spoken word and poems which blur the boundaries between the two. Drawing together wit and empathy, Nora Gomringer’s work shines a light on the absurdities of the everyday, and unpicks ideas around love, guilt and the ‘normal’ and gendered body.

Nora will be in conversation with her English translator Annie Rutherford, whose translation of Nora’s trilogy was published in September 2022. Her other translations include Volha Hapeyeva’s In My Garden of Mutants and Isabel Bogdan’s novel The Peacock.

All are welcome to join this live online event, and it's not required that you have already read any of the poems. Participation is free of charge and the discussion takes place in German.

about the author

The Swiss/German author Nora Gomringer lives in Bamberg, where she is the director of the international artists’ house, Villa Concordia. In the early 2000s she was a prominent voice in Germany’s young slam scene, and her background in performance continues to inform her work – her work has spread to radio and TV, and she regularly performs with jazz drummer Philipp Scholz. As well as blurring the boundaries between performance and page poetry, as well as often intersecting with other art forms, from film to music and visual art. Her work has won her a number of awards, including the Jacob Grimm Prize for German Language in 2011 and the Ingeborg Bachmann Award in 2015. Her most recent collection Gottesanbieterin (Praying Mantis) appeared in 2020.


Everyone who wants to read and discover German literature, meet authors and share their reading experience with others - even if you haven't read the book yet. The book club will be held in German. All participants should have sufficient language skills to read and discuss in German.

Register below:

REGISTER NOW You will then receive a link to the Online live session.


We will use Zoom for our meeting. We recommend using a headset, as speakers can create distracting echo effects. Participation is possible from PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device. To participate, simply follow the link we will send you after registration and sign in to the room.
