Festival Contra Pop Festival

Contra Pop Festival Extra Normal Records|Contra Pop Festival

Sat, 20.08.2016 -
Sun, 21.08.2016

Ramsgate Beach

On Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st August 2016, Extra Normal Records presents the second annual Contra Pop Festival, a two-day event encompassing live performances from some of the foremost artists working at the intersection between popular music and the avant-garde. As part of Contra Pop Festival the Goethe-Institut London is supporting the Germany-based Krautrock-associated artists Asmus Tietchens, Jean-Hervé Péron and Uwe Schmidt of Atom™. 

Asmus Tietchens Extra Normal Records|Contra Pop Festival Asmus Tietchens was born in Hamburg in 1947 and has been working as an independent musician since 1975. In 1980 he released his first solo record Nachtstücke. After producing a series of rhythmic and harmonic albums for the Sky label in the early 1980s, he released his first industrial record Formen letzter Hausmusik in 1984 on United Diaries. Until now, Asmus Tietchens has released more than 80 albums on international labels where he continues to explore the possibilities presented to him by specific sound sources.

Jean-Hervé Peron Copyright: Extra Normal Records Contra Pop Festival Jean-Hervé Péron was born in Casablanca and raised in Cherbourg, France. He is founder member of faUSt in Hamburg and characterises himself as someone who has a French passport but is German at heart. As someone who has mainly done mistakes in his life, he simply decided to declare it art: so he became jhp|aRt-ErroRist.
Uwe Schmidt Extra Normal Records|Contra Pop Festival Atom™ is a German composer, musician and record producer of electronic music. He is often regarded as the father of electrolatino, electrogospel and aciton (acid-reggaeton) music. In 2013 he played various live shows, such as the double opening feature at Berlin’s CTM.13, where he first performed Bauteile with colleague Marc Behrens, and later on, together with Material+Object, a 3-hour Alpha txt set.

