Conference Fading Memories

Fading Memroies - Key image © Goethe-Institut. Design: Heike Sinn

Fri, 24.11.2017

Goethe-Institut Rotterdam

Privacy and Data Ownership in the Digital Age


This international conference will tackle some of the most urgent questions concerning privacy and surveillance, regulation and the increasingly important role of algorithms in our everyday lives.

Security and freedom are both basic rights that are not always compatible – especially when it comes to surveillance. How is a balance between those two poles possible?
Technological developments continue to present challenges to legislators. International requirements rub up against national conditions. What are the opportunities and the limits of regulation by governments?
Algorithms: they determine our search results, write journalistic texts and calculate the shortest way to our destination. They are hidden in countless electronic devices, which are increasingly connected – not only to the Internet, but also to each other. What are the consequences for our everyday lives?
Speakers from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands and the UK will be discussing these amongst other questions on the one-day-event. The conference in Rotterdam will be the culmination of an international event series, organised by the Goethe-Institutes in North-West Europe.

Further information about the event programme and speakers will follow soon.
