Essay Film Festival Session 10
Two film screening events at two venues:
Part 1-3, Birkbeck Cinema, 11am-5pm
Part 4-5, Goethe-Institut London, 7pm-10pm
The second programme in the first UK retrospective dedicated to the Austrian film director and historian Günter Peter Straschek (1942–2009) will for the first time in the UK present his ground-breaking five-part film-historical series Filmemigration aus Nazideutschland (1975) about film personnel working in the German cinema industry who were forced into exile during the Nazi period.
After screening the first part of the series accomapnied by a conversation with its commissioning editor, Werner Dütsch, as part of programme
‘Thinking Cinema on Television: Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR), ca. 1975’ in 2017, we are pleased that, once more together with the Essay Film Festival, we can now screen all five parts of the series in a one day session divided between Birkeck (am, parts 1-3) and the Goethe-Institut (pm, parts 4-5) on 1 April.
Based on extensive interviews, shot on 16mm in a series of static long takes,
Film Emigration from Nazi Germany is one of the most fascinating examples of ‘film history on film’ ever produced. Straschek devoted years of his life researching the topic and accumulating both film and non-film materials. Apart from some radio features and articles, however, this 290-minute TV programme remains the only published trace of Straschek’s lifelong work on the emigration of film personnel. He had intended to publish a three-volume book, encompassing all available data about 3,000 emigrants originating from the centre and peripheries of film production, but the book never materialised.
Schedule at Birkbeck, University of London :
11am. Welcome and introduction,
Dr. Janet McCabe (Birkbeck, University of London)
Filmemigration aus Nazideutschland, Teil 1, „Wer klug war, ging schnell raus“ / (‘Who Was Smart Got Out Quick’), 11 November 1975.
12:10-12:30 : 20min comfort break
12:30. Straschek and retelling film history on television, with
Prof. Volker Pantenburg, Berlin
Filmemigration aus Nazideutschland, Teil 2, „Wir waren aufgescheucht und vogelfrei “ / (‘We were startled and outlawed’), 18 November 1975.
13:45-14:15 : 30min comfort break
14:15-14:45. Illustrated lecture, with Dr Julia Friedrich on curating
Günter Peter Straschek. Emigration–Film–Politics (March-July 2018, Museum Ludwig, Cologne)
Filmemigration aus Nazideutschland, Teil 3, „Aus Europa draußen und in einer gewissen Sicherheit“ / (‘Out of Europe and to a certain safety’), 25 November 1975.
15:45-16:15 : tea break (refreshments in foyer)
16: 15-17: 00. Response from
Dr. Michael Temple (Birkbeck, Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Moving Image (BIMI)), making film history using audio-visual material and archives, and in conversation with Julia Friedrich.
Schedule at the Goethe-Institut:
19:00. Introduction, Maren Hobein for the Goethe-Institut.
Filmemigration aus Nazideutschland, Teil 4, „Unter Palmen und blauem Himmel“ / (‘Under palm trees and blue sky), 2 December 1975.
Filmemigration aus Nazideutschland, Teil 5, „Man wußte ja nie, wem man die Hand geben konnte“ / (‘You never knew who you could shake hands with’), 9 December 1975.
21:15 Response from Julia Friedrich and Q&A.
Film Details:
Filmemigration aus Nazi-Deutschland,
Film Emigration from Nazi Germany, Dir. Günter Peter Straschek, West Germany, 1975, digital (originally 16mm), 290 min. (5 X 58 min.), German with English subtitles.
In collaboration with and part of the Essay Film Festival 2019. With support from Austrian Cultural Forum, London.
Parts 1–3
Venue: Birkbeck Cinema
43 Gordon Square
London WC1H 0PD
Eventbrite Tickets Birkbeck Cinema
Parts 4–5
Venue: Goethe-Institut London
50 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road
London SW7 2PH
Eventbrite Tickets Goethe-Institut
Günter Peter Straschek, Part 1: Early Short Films will be shown on 30 March at Birkbeck Cinema.