Enterprise German


Enterprise German (“Unternehmen Deutsch”)  combines aspects of German, economics, and professional orientation with a motivating competition. School classes from secondary schools in the UK and university students who deal with the topic of career orientation in the classroom can participate, if their teacher or professor registers a participating group.

A group of young people discussing over a laptop © Pexels

The competition will run again, starting September 2024

School classes from secondary schools in the UK and university students who deal with the topic of career orientation in the classroom can participate, if their teacher or professor registers a participating group.



The competition

The central task is to develop a sustainable and innovative product or service for a company in the local environment. The new product or service will be a useful extension of the company’s offer and should be marketable.

Skills & Employability

Students will also create an advertisement and a commercial slogan in German promoting their business idea. An essential part of the project is the visit to the assigned partner company. This gives students a realistic insight into the working world and provides useful information for developing a company profile as well as for the invention of the new product or service.

This is how it works

  • Register for the competition on this website.
  • Work through modules 1 to 3 with your learners.
  • Visit a company or take part in a virtual presentation by a representative of a company.
  • Your learners develop an innovative and sustainable business idea for this company.
  • Your learners create a video in which they promote and pitch their business idea.
  • Submit this video through our website and take part in the competition. (We will provide an upload-link for your video on this webpage in due time.)
A jury will select the most convincing entries. The teams who develop the most innovative and sustainable products or services will receive prizes. All participating students will receive a certificate of participation.


The modules: Teaching Materials by the Goethe-Institut

The here provided modules are designed for teaching German as a foreign language for the levels A1 and A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages of the Council of Europe (CEFR). The materials allow teachers to carry out the project autonomously in the classroom. Three modules are available, each with a central task.
You have the option to select either language levels A1 or A2. We suggest that you complete the modules for language level A1 during your students’ second year of studying German and for language level A2 starting in your third year of learning the language.

Materials revised and adapted for the UK by:

  • A1 Module 1: Zhanna Kozmenko-Ihssen, Christiane Günther
  • A1 Module 2: Christiane Günther, Zhanna Kozmenko-Ihssen
  • A1 Module 3: Zhanna Kozmenko-Ihssen, Christiane, Günther
  • A2 Module 1: Laura Lewis, Zhanna Kozmenko-Ihssen
  • A2 Module 2: Zhanna Kozmenko-Ihssen, Laura Lewis
  • A2 Module 3: Laura Lewis, Zhanna Kozmenko-Ihssen
Logo of the project “Enterprise German”

Our Partner Companies

The following partner companies support the project.

  • Volkswagen
  • Logo Chartwell Consultung