Hans Magnus Enzensberger

(born 11 November 1929 in Kaufbeuren; died 24 November 2022 in Munich) author, translator

Hans Magnus Enzensberger studied literature and philosophy in various cities and worked for some time as a radio editor. In 1957 he published his first volume of poetry "die verteidigung der wölfe" ("the defence of the wolves"). Since then, Enzensberger's controversial work has had a decisive influence on German literature. The title "Details", published in 1962, is regarded as his most important theoretical work on the connection between poetry and politics. He also published groundbreaking journals and book series: from 1965 to 1975 the journal "Kursbuch", from 1980 to 1982 the journal "TransAtlantik" and from 1985 to 2004 the series "Die Andere Bibliothek". Enzensberger also wrote under various pseudonyms, such as Andreas Thalmayr, Linda Quilt, Benedikt Pfaff and Elisabeth Ambras. He received many important awards for his wide-ranging work, which includes poetry, essays, prose, dramas, children's and young people’s books and translations. These include the Georg Büchner Prize in 1963, the Heinrich Böll Prize in 1985, the Ludwig Börne Prize in 2002 and the Frank Schirrmacher Prize in 2015.

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