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Max Mueller Bhavan | India

Dossier Startklar?!

Face-to-face discussions meet virtual interaction. “Real” teachers in the classroom alternate with digital teaching assistants online. Multilingualism and machine translation jointly contribute to successful communication in everyday life: nothing less than the future of language learning was the subject of Startklar?! Ready for new beginnings in tomorrow’s language teaching and learning, a conference initiated by the Goethe-Institut that took place in March. We present various topics and findings here.

Startklar!? Dossierwww.colourbox.de / Pokrovsky
Personalization through digitization Photo: Filmfreunde.tv © Goethe-Institut

Personalization through digitization
“I can experience it for myself”

Future scenarios in which real-life teachers are replaced by artificial intelligence are unfounded. On the contrary: there are increasing opportunities for learners and teachers alike to find the forms of learning that suit them best. Conference participants give insights into current possibilities and utopias.

Technology and old school Photo: Filmfreunde.tv © Goethe-Institut

Technology and old school
“Understanding one another in the global village”

Books, YouTube, roleplays, apps – the variety of methods is huge. Just one thing seems certain – learning languages in the future will be just as exciting as it is today. We hear directly from learners from around the world as they talk about the current and future state of the most important skill needed to understand one another: the ability to speak the other’s language.

Johannes Ebert on digital media Photo: Filmfreunde.tv © Goethe-Institut

Johannes Ebert on digital media
“There is very considerable potential”

The Goethe-Institut is not only reacting to the digital transformation in language learning – but is actively involved in shaping it: Secretary General Johannes Ebert talks about the objectives of the Startklar?! conference.

Thoughts and ideas at Startklar?! Photo: Filmfreunde.tv © Goethe-Institut

Thoughts and ideas at Startklar?!
“An app for tandems”

Taking part is what counts – but winning is even better. The hackathon and the project workshop resulted in 20 of the best project ideas being pitched: the first prize was won by an international team that perfectly combines the digital and analogue worlds.
