Series of workshops for students on gender-based topics Gender week: Time to rethink gender perspective

Genderwoche 511 © German Consulate Kolkata & Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Kolkata/Design:Sreya Sarkar & Sharanya Chattopadhyay

Tue, 16.03.2021 -
Sun, 21.03.2021


Participation: Through prior registration only

To mark the occasion of the upcoming Women’s day, Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Kolkata and German Consulate General Kolkata have jointly organized a series of workshops on gender-based topics for young boys and girls between 13 to 15 years of age. German language students of schools, which belong to the educational partner-network of Goethe-Institut and German Consulate Kolkata in East- and North-East India, will be taking part.

The series, Genderwoche: Zeit was zu gendern or roughly translated Gender Week: Time to rethink gender perspective, will be shedding light on the importance of challenging and rethinking common gender perspectives and will provide a platform for multilateral discussions on the subject.

Each of the workshops, which will be conducted by renowned experts from Germany and India, has been specially tailored for this age group. Participants will explore topics such as women’s rights in German and Indian constitutions, mental health, toxic masculinity, inclusivity, women empowerment, gender equality and so on.

The primary aim is to facilitate a dialogue on gender equality, promote equality and inclusivity of women and address the biases and perceptions around gender at a young age.

For further information, please write to us at
