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Max Mueller Bhavan | India Bangalore


6:30 PM

Space Explorers: Dance in Digital Realities

Presentation | A Sharing by Björn Lengers

  • Natya and STEM Dance Kampni Studio, Bangalore

  • Price Free

Final presentation-Björn © STEM Dance Kampni

Dance & Digital Realities_Björn © STEM Dance Kampni We invite you to Space Explorers: Dance in Digital Realities, a sharing by bangaloREsident@NATYA STEM Dance Kampni Björn Lengers as part of the Kampni Konversations.

The oldest form of aesthetic exploration of the space around us is dance. So what better way is there to understand our new digital spaces than through dance?

Learning from each other has been a key opportunity for Björn in this artist residency. The event on December 5 will showcase the current state of his work with the dancers at STEM and will discuss the questions like what has worked, what went wrong and how to proceed with the project.

In 30 minutes Björn will present his work, followed by a Q & A session and hands-on trials.

Björn Lengers is a German theatre maker, programmer and digital artist. Together with Marcel Karnapke, he is part of the collective CyberRäuber  since 2016.

Kampni Koversations is an initiative of the Natya STEM Dance Kampni towards creating more cross illumination between various fields and thought processes. Bringing together individuals with distinct thoughts, ideas and life philosophies in an informal setting.

Join us on Monday December 5, 2022 at 6.30 p.m. @STEM Dance Kampni.