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Max Mueller Bhavan | India

8.12. - 11.12.2020 | 6 pm (IST) daily

My body is another landscape

Performance | A Filmed Theatre by Trimukhi Platform

  • Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Kolkata, Kolkata

Trimukhi 511 © Trimukhi Platform

Designed and premiered in Borotalpada village, Trimukhi Platform’s dance-theatre performances and video art pieces are combinations of different elements: bodies, landscapes, movements, voices, rhythms, animals, trees, etc. For My body Is Another Landscape, the new filmed theatre (or video-dance) by the collective produced by Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Kolkata, actions from Santhal village daily life have also been integrated. Rehearsals and video shooting took place from end of October to mid of November 2020 in a paddy field, inside a lake, both on the outskirts of Borotalpada, and in front of a mud house, at the entrance of the tribal village. The filmed theatre composition My Body Is Another Landscape involves sixteen members of Trimukhi Platform and has a duration of approximately forty minutes.

Often city people have preconceived ideas regarding what "village life" really means, especially tribal village life. By integrating tribal village life elements, My Body Is Another Landscape is also an invitation to look at them in a different manner, an artistic one. 

On the last day (11.12.20, 6:00 pm IST) there will be an interactive discussion between the audience and the crew members around the performance. The discussion will be moderated by Anjum Katyal.

For registration to watch the performance and participate in the interactive session please click here

For details about Trimukhi Platform please click here.