Film Streaming Ahnen ahnen

Ahnen ahnen (c) L'Arche, Raimund Hogue

Sat, 07/18/2020 -
Mon, 07/20/2020

12:00 PM - 12:00 PM

Film Streaming

Pina Bausch Dance Films

In collaboration with L’Arche, Paris, the Goethe-Institut has launched Pina Bausch Tanzfilme, an online streaming program. It contains a small but exquisite selection of three films, is free of charge and will be available for 48 hours, each film.

To stream this film you must register on Eventbrite. You will receive the password by email on July 18, 10AM CST.

AHNEN ahnen (edited version 2014; filming took place in 1986/87 during rehearsals for "Ahnen. Ein Stück von Pina Bausch") 175 min.

When Pina Bausch prepared her film The Complaint of an Empress in 1987, the co-producers in Germany, France and England demanded a screenplay. No film without a script – that’s what the film industry looked like. It took some time for the broadcasters to accept that it could be done without a script. Someone came up with the idea that they should shoot a “sample film” and thus show what could come out in their very different way of working. This is how the present film was made – a reportage on the creation of AHNEN, a piece she was working on. For more than a quarter of a century, the film was in the archives and today proves to be a very extraordinary document. This is how Pina Bausch and her company work. The result is works that still move the world today.
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