On the run
A debate

Refugee march Hungary © Joachim Seidler | Wikimedia Commons


While we have over many years witnessed the worsening situation of refugees on Europe’s borders, since the summer of 2015 we have come to realize how severe, how serious, how tragic the situation has actually become, and the true scope of the problem of refugees entering Europe has assumed. Despite the German Chancellor’s courageous words “We will manage this”, there was a sense of widespread helplessness on how exactly the European nations are supposed to deal with forced migration. While one government orders the construction of fences, the other pleads for ‘transit zones’. Some welcome the homeless and uprooted and others set their temporary homes afire. This situation raises some essential questions – what are the problems and consequences being faced by these Central European nations incessantly flooded by an influx of humanity? How wide ranging is the migration? For how long and for whom should the European nations open their borders?
Indian journalist Aman Sethi and German journalist Georg Diez explored these issues and attempted to answer some of the questions by way of a regular exchange.