Program of Care
Mindfulness and Expressive Art for Children & Youth

Mindfulness and Expressive Art for Children & Youth ©Goethe-Institut Myanmar / TheeOoThazin

‘‘This two hour Expressive Arts workshop encourages children and young people to better understand thoughts, feelings and their behaviors towards others. By creating images and painting, young people can begin to see the feelings and thoughts they have inside. Young people understand what they can control and what they can’t control. By writing journals, observing their thoughts and feelings without judgment, Mindfulness sessions help them to focus their attention in daily life. After the session, Mindfulness techniques support Children and Youth to create feelings of positivity, reduce stress, anxiety, worries and depression. I felt honored that I had a chance to meet and work together with children of different age groups and from different areas because of the Program of care.’’
Kyi Nue Mya

  • Mindfulness and Expressive Art for Children & Youth ©Goethe-Institut Myanmar

    Mindfulness and Expressive Art for Children & Youth

  • Mindfulness and Expressive Art for Children & Youth ©Goethe-Institut Myanmar

    Mindfulness and Expressive Art for Children & Youth

  • Mindfulness and Expressive Art for Children & Youth ©Goethe-Institut Myanmar

    Mindfulness and Expressive Art for Children & Youth

  • Mindfulness and Expressive Art for Children & Youth ©Goethe-Institut Myanmar

    Mindfulness and Expressive Art for Children & Youth

  • Mindfulness and Expressive Art for Children & Youth ©Goethe-Institut Myanmar

    Mindfulness and Expressive Art for Children & Youth

  • Mindfulness and Expressive Art for Children & Youth ©Goethe-Institut Myanmar

    Mindfulness and Expressive Art for Children & Youth
